View Full Version : Facial & scalp nerve pain

09-07-2010, 04:39 PM
Hi guys,

Does anyone ever get nerve pain on one side of their face, as well as their scalp? I think I may have Trigeminal Neuralgia... I hope I'm wrong and that it's just another "normal" anxiety symptom, but I'm not so sure...

I get little pains when washing my face, like behind my left eye, or when putting on eyebrow pencil on my left eyebrow, or my temple, forehead, left side inside my nostril, left top front tooth, etc. Even lightly scratching my scalp. It's not major pain, but more of a "funny bone" feeling. It seems to move around and not always in the same spot. It makes it hard to get comfortable at night sometimes if I want to sleep on my stomach. Heck, this morning I even thought I felt something in my left armpit when putting on deodorant.

This has been going on for 3 or 4 months, and I'm finally going to see someone about this. But I am hoping it's just anxiety...

Any replies would be greatly appreciated!!!

09-08-2010, 01:31 AM
Have you been Googling? :)

Never ever google, its caused me so much heartache its not funny!

People get random pains all the time, its pretty common to have them all over the place. Its only when we are anxious we are hyper aware of everything which makes it noticeable, then we fixate on them which further increases them.

If you genuinely cannot relax or get over the concerns it might be best to talk to your GP about it who can put your mind at ease. Sometimes its a real fight to go through the tests but sometimes it can also help you relax and move on.

09-08-2010, 04:42 PM
Thank you so kindly for your reply!

Heh... Um, yeah, I know - Googling is a big, fat no-no!!!!! :oops:

I was able to finagle an appt with a neurologist for tonight to have it checked out, plus I made an appt for tomorrow with a new chiropractor. So, hopefully I'll get an answer...if not two different ones!! ;)

09-08-2010, 05:28 PM
Thank you so kindly for your reply!

Heh... Um, yeah, I know - Googling is a big, fat no-no!!!!! :oops:

I was able to finagle an appt with a neurologist for tonight to have it checked out, plus I made an appt for tomorrow with a new chiropractor. So, hopefully I'll get an answer...if not two different ones!! ;)

Haha, yeah you can read some terrifying stuff on Google!

Good stuff, at least after that you will be able to move on from that fear of it and then I am sure you wont even notice the symptoms anymore!

09-13-2010, 01:21 PM

Neurologist was unconcerned because there was no loss of feeling. Of course, it's Kaiser, though - they're never concerned!!

New chiro was afraid to give me too much info - I told him I was kind of a hypochondriac, so he just said we needed to treat the anxiety first and foremost.

So, I never got a real answer. But my issues have gotten worse! Then again, my anxiety has gotten worse (because the issue has gotten worse - neverending cycle).

Since only one person has replied, am I to assume what I'm experiencing is pretty rare? I mean, I know people with anxiety get random aches & pains, but continually in these weird spots?? Right now, the inside of my nose feels sensitive/sore. It's just getting to me - I'm so tired of the worrying. :cry:

09-13-2010, 03:15 PM

so he just said we needed to treat the anxiety first and foremost

Neurologist was unconcerned because there was no loss of feeling

Sort of says it all doesn't it . :o :D

Now if i was to tell you that i also have this and have had all the buzzing in the scalp , weird feelings on the left side of my face . To be truthful i have had this for 20 years and still don't know what it is or what they wish to call it. The fact of the matter is It's not major pain so therefore i don't worry about it and i notice it sometimes and others i don't . I now understand that what ever it is it is stress based and gets worst when i am really stressed .

Anxiety is a overworked nervous system and as our nerves run our whole body it is very common to have burning , buzzing , numb feeling skin in any part of the body . At one stage my face was so bad that it would twitch . Remember that saying about having a nervous twitch this is were it comes from .

It's just getting to me - I'm so tired of the worrying.

This is the problem . It is the worry behind it not the little uncomfortable feeling it is .

DO NOT GOOGLE EVER OR ELSE YOU WILL GET WORST . If you are up to it and wish to google something then google something along the lines of anxiety and stress management . If you control the thoughts and stress it will fade away but if you keep worrying about little pains it will not go . You have to accept that anxiety will do everything in it power to pee you off .

I looked at anxiety as my body telling me to fix my stress and if i didnt listen to the first symptom it would throw another at me . When i started to listen to it it stopped throwing them at me.

cheers kev :D

09-13-2010, 07:06 PM
Kev, you are a doll for ersponding and making me feel a little better. I really appreciate it.

It also makes me feel better knowing someone else here has similar issues. I feel kind of alone in this, so your reply was very much appreciated.

What scares me is how quickly it is getting worse, and I am tempted to think, "Gosh, what will it be like a month from now?" But, I guess freaking out about it doesn't help and only makes it worse, but easier said than done!!

Thank you again. You are so helpful with everyone's concerns and it's truly appreciated!!

10-07-2010, 09:43 AM

So, I went to my old chiropractor and he does think it's trigeminal neuralgia. I start some sort of laser therapy for it on Friday.

It's gotten worse. In fact, the nmerve feelings have traveled lll the way down my body, it seems, though it's still mostly above the neck. I occasionally also have a sensitive spot below the left collarbone - it may hurt if my seat belt is pressing against it.

Heck, I am even getting weird muscle/nerve feelings in my nether regions from time to time! What the heck is going on?!?!

It IS getting wrose probably because I'm freaked out about it, BUT I can't blame everything on anxiety all the time! (Thank God I had some abdominal stuff checked out - found out I was gluten intolerant, etc. Had I kept chalking that up to anxiety, that could have gotten worse as well!)

I am getting frustrated and sometimes just want to cry.