View Full Version : new to this and new to anxiety

09-06-2010, 11:55 AM
i am 24 years old male from uk and have never experenced anything like this in my life i worked in sales and am a very confident person up unitil about 6 months ago its distroying my life.

if someone mesions at work that we have a meeting or a work night out i freak out all week and come up with any excuse to get out of it its the same with going for a meal going out waiting for someone, i just dont no what to do any more and the weiredest thing is that it has come from nowhere.

i have been out at resturants and i cant even speak as i am trying not to be sick and run to the toilet it must seem like im a really rude person im not just trying to control my self people must think im a right weirdo lol.

anyway any help advice anythink really would be very helpful thanks


09-06-2010, 01:21 PM
welcome tot he forum luke im pritty sure thats how im feeling buddy allways make excuses when my house mate andy asks me to come out i dont know why it is i get nervous and anxiety kicks in when im asked to go to places and i just feel very weird about it so yes its all anxeity mate it aint nothing to worry about to much when you have someone whos int he same boat as you my names mark and im here to help you get along in life buddy :lol:

09-07-2010, 01:39 PM
It is seriously crap mate i just dont get it because i am a confident person well i was anyway just hope i can snap out of this fast dont seem very likly at the minute how long have you felt like this for mate

09-08-2010, 05:26 AM
i dont want to worrie you mate but i have been like this for 8 years but everyone has there differant reasons im slowly copeing with myn mate but im happy to help you get out of yours 8)