View Full Version : very scary morning anxiety

09-06-2010, 10:22 AM
This morning has been pretty scary. I woke up with my heart beating REALLY hard.
I slept pretty well..but I feel drained and its weird because i just woke up i shouldnt feel that way. I drank alot 2 nights ago...i mean alot. and yesterday i was in a hungover state and bad anxiety.
I feel like I should go back to sleep, but im worrying (is my heart failing making me tired??)
my body feels weak and tingly.
Im thinking it could of been the alcohol, but would it affect me still?
I had crazy crazy dreams last nite.
This is a new way of anxiety for me, so im very scared.
What can i do?

09-06-2010, 01:51 PM
I would cut out the alcohol for a start - it sends your blood sugar levels up the creak which could account for some of the heart-racing symptoms. Try some deep breathing - breathing in from your abdomen and counting in each breath (up to about 5 counts) and then counting each breath out again until you feel calmer.

09-06-2010, 03:44 PM
yes i would agree that beer is not the way but dont quit it breathing yes it allways help but i have found making your self burp seems to calm my panicing down and having SELF STEAM TREATMENT IS VERY VERY GOOD it has allways worked for me and i posted a topic about it it really does help with breathing and calms you down makes you feel good aswell :lol:

09-08-2010, 08:24 PM
What is a "self steam treatment' can not seem to find the link