View Full Version : scary, bizzare thoughts

BC boy
09-05-2010, 09:12 PM
Hi there, ive been suffering from anxiety/depression since i was 17, im 22 now, the past few months my anxiety and depression have been the worst its ever been, ive been having this bizzare, disturbing, scary thoughts in my mind that are making me depressed, i fear that i might lose control and go crazy, i have thoughts of hurting other ppl and myself, even tho i would never do so, but these thoughts are takin over my mind and its makin me really depressed, ive been havin good days and bad days for awhile now, now its turning into good few hours and bad few hours, to many ups and downs in a day.... i'm not sure if its my way of thinking thats causeing these ups and downs or if i have developed bipolar, if anyone can relate please leave comment and try help me out ! thanks

09-06-2010, 10:35 AM
The thoughts are horrible. I know. Something that really helped me was when my therapist showed me a whole study that was done in people all over the world that did not suffer from any mental health issues, and they recorded every time they had a disturbing thought. The things on that list were wild! For example, thoughts of kicking a baby in the head, jumping off a bridge, losing control, ect.
The thing is, they don't let the thoughts control them, they just have the thought and move on. Us, we think there is something wrong with us, that we actually might act on these thoughts, we feel like we aren't normal because of these thoughts.
I felt so much better after she told me this/showed me the study because everyone gets disturbing thoughts, it's just how we deal with them that's the difference.

09-09-2010, 06:11 AM
Oh, you're close to my age. How are you coping with it?
I remember having this scary thought of cutting my Japanese teacher's hand off with scissors she gave me for my origami class. It was quite obsessive.
In fact, yesterday I kept having the recurring image of someone cutting across my knuckles with a razor blade.

Though you can get rid of the panic attacks and depression associated with these thoughts, getting rid of the thoughts completely is close to impossible.But you can get them not to bother you at all and lead a wonderful life.

I guess you should change your perspective on things.See the thoughts as funny.
Yesterday as I has having that thought I told my friend about it and it started obsessing him as well, it was fun...

09-12-2010, 10:47 PM
I totally can relate to what your saying. Don't go on thinking your Bipolar, because then your going think that maybe it's a possibility that you might act on your thoughts, your not going to.

Rather this, when you see these ups and downs your having through out a day. Try and Figure out what else is going on.. Take a look and see if there are any external stressors going on. Chances are that's the stuff causing the thoughts, I know it sounds weird. I noticed that for myself. External stressor caused thougghts and obssission, and then as you start to wonder why your having the thought, you start building on them, making more thoughts, and fears. All starting from the external stressors. Are you going through a break up?? Are you in College? This stuff tends to happens with peope going through college.

Once your able to locate the external Stressor thats causing it, deal with that, even though your going to be miserable, but then lock on to the fact that it will pass, and only think about what the feel good feeling feels like, and know that you will be there soon.

Your going to do this over, and over, and over, and over.....get it?? Untill your brain starts to know how to do it automatically.

This issue is so hard, because all we want it to do is go away... Just make it go away, I know how that feels, I still feel like that sometimes, but my coping ability is a hell of a lot more easier now than it has been.

So make sure as you have these thoughts, continue the plan, and don't stop living. keep on living. Do what you do. Hang out with people, even though your proably going to have some rank thoughts about them, and so on. Just keep livin.

Good luck...

09-13-2010, 05:38 PM
Though you can get rid of the panic attacks and depression associated with these thoughts, getting rid of the thoughts completely is close to impossible.But you can get them not to bother you at all and lead a wonderful life.

Actually, it's not true that you can't get rid of these thoughts. Obsessive thoughts are actually VERY common with anxiety disorder. And thoughts about harming yourself or others are probably at the top of the list. BUT, the important thing to remember here is that they are simply products of the anxiety state. As anxiety disorder abates, so do these thoughts. Also, your tendency to have these thoughts is in direct proportion to the degree to which they bother you. Think of them as a schoolyard bully who bullys another kid because that kid shows obvious fear. This fear simply encourages the bully to keep coming back. The same is true with obsessive thoughts. The more you fear and dread them, the more they come back. But unlike the schoolyard bully, the more you try to fight them back, the more they come back, too. The key with obsessive thoughts is to train yourself to accept them. The more you show complete and utter disinterest in them, the less disturbing and frequent they will become.