View Full Version : Death of a Family Member

09-05-2010, 08:15 AM
My nervous system has been wrecked for a very long time but the trial of an antidepressant that sent it over the edge 4 weeks ago and now an eminent family death may be making it worse.

I am so agitated and stressed I can't tell what is causing what - would appreciate feed back from others.

My wife's sister have been very ill for about 6 years. This past 4 months It has been one crisis and hospitalization after another and my wife has spent at least half her days dealing with multiple crises or in the hospital visiting her sister.

I am not close to her sister and in some areas I don't even like her - but we are in the same city and it is my wife's baby sister and her remaining sibling. She lost her other sister two years ago. Because of the 10 year age difference my wife almost raised her and they have been very close at times.

Her sister has been in ICU for a week and we were told she only had hours to live two days ago - this morning she is still on life support but hanging on.

I have been so sick I try to not get involved but I think the peripheral stress may be making me worse. I am so bad it is had for me to tell. Any thoughts please??


09-05-2010, 03:29 PM
It's always hard dealing with loss, I just lost a close family member recently, and I think it's what contributed to me getting severe anxiety again. It's never good.

What do you to relax? When things are getting out of hand. Meditation helps alot.

Also what anti depressant did you just recently try? I just got prescribed Fluoxetine 20 mg, and I haven't taken it yet, out of fear that it would make everything worse. So I'm just curious to what you took and how it effected you.

I hope things get better for you. Take care.

09-05-2010, 06:18 PM
I dont think its surprising having that sort of trauma in the family would trigger your anxiety. My anxiety can be triggered by far less than that so having it so up close and personal would certainly not help!

The best I can say to you is just keep soldering on, it will get easier in time.

Good luck!