View Full Version : i just cant seem to sleep :(

09-04-2010, 06:57 PM
i find it so hard to sleep at the moment its been going on a few weeks now, when i go to sleep im concertrating on ´sleeping´so much that thats al i seem to think about and in tern makes it harder for me to fall asleep, also i just keep going over events that have happened in the day and occasionally wondering if there were things i should of said or done differently, also if there is somethng bothering me say for example if my flat mates have left a load of mess out again and i want to say something to them about it i wil just keep picturing the conversation in my head and keep going over and over it and winding myself up. iv got some sleeping tablets but i havnt taken them yet because im too scared too-i no that sounds silly but if i took one id just be lyin there thinking oh my god any minute now im just guna get knocked out, what if i dont wake up....just silly things but if i can help it id rather not take them. i dont no what to do i just cant seem to switch off and its doing my head in, even when i do sleep it stil always feels like it wasnt i deep sleep i wake up conciously remembering tossing and terning all night. why am i like this, what can i do

thank u

09-04-2010, 07:12 PM
Hello there, I feel your pain. I am so "spun up" feeling,. today was having the first pretty good day in weeks and am doing laundry and WHAM felt dizzy/left arm pain and now feel lathergic

you should add me on messenger dansonfamily08

09-04-2010, 08:23 PM
i dont have messenger but there is a chat room in here just click where it says anxietyforum at the top in blue and orange and ul see it on the home page...would be good to chat


09-04-2010, 11:30 PM
Whenever I cant sleep, i'll stretch. I'll go through every muscle in my body, and during every pose, i'll meditate, for 30 seconds each. By the time im done, im tired. and can sleep.

09-05-2010, 03:13 AM
I have to agree with Twitch.

If you are lying there focusing on sleeping then theres a good chance you wont drift off!

I would try the whole body stretch or you can try this thing I have been using called mindfullness. Focus intently on what you can feel around your body, the sheets on your skin, pillow supporting your head and so on, then move to what you can hear around you and outside like the wind blowing or cars or whatever.

Works for me!