View Full Version : How do I know I'm not going insane?

06-09-2006, 05:28 PM
I feel really freaked out right now. I just keep psychoanalysing myself, and I feel like I'm not me. Derealisation has made me feel as if my brain is really mechanical - the fact that something is affecting me mentally really screws with my sense of self.
When I talk to people it feels as if they're not real and I'm just talking to robots. I constantly have to remind myself that I'm in the real world and this is really happening. It's just scary that I've had this virtually 24/7 for 2 months now.

When I tried hash it really scared me - it made me question my sense and self and made me realise the brain is really a machine. It's really freaking me out - how do I know I'm not going insane? I don't feel rational. :( Sorry for the rant, but this is scaring me so much. I just want to feel normal again but I don't think I ever will. When I went to see a doctor she didn't really take me seriously and told me I'll be fine once my exams finish, but I really don't think I will be. I'm so scared I've gone nuts and I'll stay this way forever.

06-09-2006, 10:22 PM
hey u know how u know your not crazy first off your just wrote to this forum which is completly rational i went through the same thing when my anxiety was at its worst i was like that for 5months i completey felt like i lost it i was convinced i was gonna become some murderer i thought it was it i had lost it and i was gonna start hurting people and have no control but here i am now better not cured but my sense of reality has come back and i feel alot better which u will to this is the most freaky thing bout anxiety but u know whats real and whats not think of this people who are crazy don't know there crazy they think they are perfectly fine so if u think u are u aren't its anxiety playing headgames its suck to get through but once u do man u feel like you conquered the world just keep your head up stay strong keep us all posted good luck

06-25-2006, 07:51 AM
I feel really freaked out right now. I just keep psychoanalysing myself, and I feel like I'm not me. Derealisation has made me feel as if my brain is really mechanical - the fact that something is affecting me mentally really screws with my sense of self.
When I talk to people it feels as if they're not real and I'm just talking to robots. I constantly have to remind myself that I'm in the real world and this is really happening. It's just scary that I've had this virtually 24/7 for 2 months now.

When I tried hash it really scared me - it made me question my sense and self and made me realise the brain is really a machine. It's really freaking me out - how do I know I'm not going insane? I don't feel rational. :( Sorry for the rant, but this is scaring me so much. I just want to feel normal again but I don't think I ever will. When I went to see a doctor she didn't really take me seriously and told me I'll be fine once my exams finish, but I really don't think I will be. I'm so scared I've gone nuts and I'll stay this way forever.

Welcome to the club. Dont worry man you're not alone, I feel the exact same way. I have fucked up thoughts like this all the time, you shouldn't let them get to you and just try and relax. Try meditation, maybe get some meds, and you have to take it one step at a time. I've had this for about 8 months now and I'm still trying to get over it. It sucks.

06-26-2006, 11:07 AM
ir your askin the question am i crazy its usually means your not!

06-26-2006, 11:12 PM
That's exactly right. People who are "going crazy" (usually referring to schizophrenia) are normally not aware of what's happening. You'd be more likely to worry about the aliens talking to you than you would be about your mental health.

As for the derealization, go to mc2method.com/Anxiety and click on the "unreality" link. This is common stuff.

07-10-2006, 07:57 PM
thanx this info has helped me aswell, i often think am i going crazy? i feel like i am and to other people i must seem crazy but like you'se were saying crazy people dont know there crazy 8)

07-13-2006, 07:32 AM
Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it. I guess I wouldn't be typing rationally if I really was insane.