View Full Version : Is this common with anxiety? Or is it normal?

09-03-2010, 08:24 PM
Well, I'm 16. I've had this anxiety stuff for about 2 months now. I can tell it's calming down more and more. But now I'm left with this weird feeling in my throat and stomach along with random pains in my body. And random times where my heart pounds but it doesn't last nearly as long as it used to. And some muscle twitching.

- Cold feeling
- Tightness
- Hard swallowing

- Butterflies/Warm feeling
- Tense
- Feeling of hunger, but even after eating it doesn't go away. (Rare, but it happened today)

- Random cramp like pains in weird areas such as the arch of my foot (left side, rarely on the right), End of my thumb (left side), left or right forearm, left or right wrist, and right ring finger.

Are these feelings normal?

09-04-2010, 02:45 AM
Anxiety plays some interesting tricks on you. When you suffer from anxiety you become very self aware, almost wrapped up in yourself so every little ache and pain becomes more noticeable. You are always looking in on yourself and checking how you feel. You will probably find that when you are busy or doing something interesting that the symptoms disappear. I would say that what you are experiencing is perfectly normal.

The checking in on yourself, being more aware of aches and pains is a classic symptom of anxiety. Learn to deal with the anxiety and it will get better.

I had anxiety for fifteen years and experiened a whole range of aches and pains, convincing myself that I was seriously ill. I wasn't. I am now anxiety free and the aches and pains have all miraculously healed.

Good Luck

09-06-2010, 04:41 PM
i am very aware of little thing of my body and i absolutely hate it, i even think wats if its not anxirty and the docs are missin something but jus feel like im going round in circles with them

09-07-2010, 02:12 PM
Those are some classic anxiety symptoms. And sometimes the physical feelings seem to happen AFTER the mental ones seem to have diminished. Not sure why, but that has happened to me.

09-07-2010, 04:09 PM
Thanks a lot guys. This forum really helps me out because one day I could be almost positive I have anxiety. And then...I would second guess myself because I feel like the doctors I've talked to don't tell me anything I need to know! Exactly andyb I feel like I'm going around in circles!

The physical symptoms are the ones that bother me. I think if the physical symptoms would stop, I would be completely fine. But the mental symptoms fuel the physical symptoms...And that's tough because I can't get rid of the mental bulls**t.

It actually makes me angry sometimes because I can't make it go away for good and it's annoying! But I'll figure something out

09-07-2010, 04:29 PM
The physical symptoms are the ones that bother me. I think if the physical symptoms would stop, I would be completely fine. But the mental symptoms fuel the physical symptoms...

Exactly!! When I'm not feeling anything physically, then mentally I'm just fine!!

09-07-2010, 04:35 PM
Skinzzfan do u feel that its not anxiety and the doctors are missing something as they wont listen to wat u are saying and do u think that this plays a big part of it aswell as it feels that the people that can help choose to reassure you its anxiety when you are consistent on thinking you have actually got something wrong with you as u no your body the best, I am convinced of this and hate it because I dont no my own body anymore

09-08-2010, 07:00 PM
The physical symptoms are the ones that bother me. I think if the physical symptoms would stop, I would be completely fine. But the mental symptoms fuel the physical symptoms...

Exactly!! When I'm not feeling anything physically, then mentally I'm just fine!!

YES! That's what I'm saying! It's crazy! :x hahaha

And yeah andyb I do feel that way. It kind of feels like there's a void. It feels like I'm not POSITIVE it's anxiety. I've posted on this forum a few times asking if my symptoms were anxiety related and every response I get is YES it is anxiety! But I can't fully accept that because I'm my head I'm not positive it is anxiety. It's hard to explain so I'm sorry if that was confusing.
Also, the main reason I keep going to the doctors is because I want them to find out what's wrong once and for all. I want a positive answer. I feel like if a doctor tells me it's definitely anxiety, my anxiety will get A LOT better. But they have yet to do that.

09-08-2010, 09:30 PM
Some of those things you mentioned are sooo common, plus like people were saying anxiety creates a hyper awareness so every single little twinge is felt and fixated on! It creates a vicious circle!

I get random twitches and pains all the time, if I dont worry about them they go away but if I am stressed and worried about them they stay there!

Its funny about the locations you mentioned with cramps, they seem to be the main areas that I get them as well!