View Full Version : Feeling a bit anxious today

09-02-2010, 07:00 PM
I have been feeling a bit anxious today, isn't at frustrating how anxiety can make you question what is real and what's not?

I have had this sensastion of needing to clear my throat for a few weeks at least, plus feeling kinda full of mucus at the back of my throat. I presently have a cold which doesn't help but I am convinced that it was there for weeks or months before now.

So my anxious mind has decided that it's been there for ages, is the result of a chronic sinus infection caused by some immune problem.

I am aware that there are a few leaps of imagination there yet I can't break the thought anxiety cycle at the moment.

I also know that anxiety can cause these symptoms as well, as can allergies but I have never suffered allergies before so the anxiety is on high alert. :(

Anyway, thanks for reading.

09-03-2010, 09:28 AM
I'm with you on the throat thing. I have bad allergies now and feel a lump in my throat and I can't clear it! Well, I just saw yesterday that Michael Douglas has stage 5 throat cancer...and yep, you guessed where my mind went!!! :oops: Sucks to have these thoughts.