View Full Version : Neck and back pain and stiffness?

09-02-2010, 05:51 PM
Does anyone experience back, neck pain and stiffness as a result of your anxiety? If so, how did you treat the pain? I am very active and I am worried in might turn into chronic pain which would limit my activities.

09-06-2010, 06:22 AM
I have faced this problem before. I am also very active and that thing was very disturbing for me. Someone told me that i should try to have some back and neck massage. I got my back and neck massage for entire week and now i am fit. I haven't face that kind of pain again. I would like to suggest you that you should also go for some massage therapies for your back and neck. I hope you will consider my suggestion.

09-06-2010, 09:52 AM
It is very good topic to discuss about Neck and back pain and stiffness. It will helpful to them who are facing such kind of problem or who want to get general knowledge about this topic. According to my knowledge i think that You have pain in your lower back and that is almost always because of pinched muscles in that area.