View Full Version : Fluoxitine

09-02-2010, 04:56 AM
Hi again,

Does anyone take fluoxitine and does this help them. I am using this to sort out the anxiety but i am also planning on meeting a physciatrist to help the root of the problem.


09-02-2010, 10:19 AM
My doctor just gave me a weeks worth of fluoxetine 20mg, to start. But because I didn't want to go on meds, because of fear of it making my anxiety 100 times worse. It's sitting in my cup board.

please let me know how it goes, maybe I'll try it.

09-03-2010, 11:38 AM
Hi again,

Does anyone take fluoxitine and does this help them. I am using this to sort out the anxiety but i am also planning on meeting a physciatrist to help the root of the problem.



Fluoxetine is the generic of Prozac, which was initially used to treat depression. The first drug I was ever on was Prozac for depression, and while on it I had my first panic attack. I was 28. I was then hospitalized for almost 3 weeks due to my depression getting worse, including suicide ideation.

My brother had worsening symptoms on fluoxetine. One doctor several years ago told me that if it doesn't work for one sibling, that it wouldn't work for another, biological reasons. I have not researched that fact.

My older sister is on 80 mg/day for depression, not for anxiety. She is worsening but won't try another med.

All I can suggest is that you get your psychotropic meds from a psychiatrist, which you said you would be seeing, because they are most up-to-date on what may help anxiety best.

A side effect of that drug happens to be sweating and panic attacks and anxiety. I don't think it's the best med for anxiety in my own experience, but let a doctor help you sort through this for your situation.

Just get informed! This looks like a great place to start.

Since I'm new here, there was a little bit of an intro to my own history.

Hoping you feel better,


09-03-2010, 11:45 PM
I myself am on my second day of using fluoxetine. My first day I had no serious side effects other than a little upset stomach but tolerable, I am hoping to continue that trend. I have also been on celexa, zoloft, and effexor. All of which gave me horrible side effects and just added to my anxiety. But, everyone is different so don't get discouraged with the horror stories of one med or another. My dad has been taking fluoxetine for many years and feels great and kept telling me all along it was the one I needed to be on to begin with. So, as far as meds not working for one person in the family, it could be true for another person due to the genetics, I now believe that. I do also take xanax as needed and hope to be able to kick it once the fluoxetine begins working. I know it's hard but just hang in there. There are so many meds out there that one is bound to help. The trial and error process is frustrating I have to admit it added more to my anxiety but if it works then I suppose in the end it will all be well worth it.