View Full Version : New member and worried!

09-02-2010, 04:14 AM
Hi guys,

I am a 23 year old male who is at a total loose end with the way i am feeling. I suffered from anxiety about 3 years agoa nd was cnvinced i was going to die of Brain Tumor or Heart Attack. These ffeling surpassed and this was thanks to Fluoxitine 20mg (one a day). However i have had a lot of time on my hand recently and i am feeling terrible again.

Syntoms: Sore heads, Shooting pains in Head, panic attacks, stiff neck, tingly left hand, crying every day!

I have been back on Fluoxitine for a wek now and i am still struggling. I dont know what i am hoping for by posting but i just want to know if anyone has beaten anxiety properly and conformation that i dont have a brain tumor and the doctor has dismissed this because he thinks i am just paranoid.

Kindest Regard

09-02-2010, 10:38 AM
If the doctor says no tumour, then no tumour. I spent years thinking that I knew better than the doctors. Heart condition, cancer, ulcers. You name it, I was convinced I had it. Classic symptoms of anxiety. I also took medication and it always helped.
You can get over this. I suffered from recurring anxiety for nearly fifteen years but have now been anxiety and medication free for over two years and am confident that I will not suffer again.

Good Luck and welcome. :D

09-02-2010, 11:08 AM
Cheers mate! As i said i have had this before and i got over it. The only difference now is that i cant remember all my previous syntoms and how bad i was. My family and girlfriend are telling me that it is the same things that i am worrying about. I read a post there that spoke about is indigestion bringing on the anxiety of vice versa. I feel like tbhis about my headaches and are they brought on by the anxiety or do they bring on the anxiety. I appreciate your reply mate and i am forever hopefull that i will overcome this but at the moment it fucking murder man! I have recently graduated and am not working at the moment so all the free time i have is basically spent worrying which doesnt help.

Thats great that you are anxious free, did you see a phyciatrist?


09-02-2010, 07:38 PM
Hey, I had the fear of brain tumours a couple of years ago when my anxiety kicked off. It's hard when the doctor tells you it's nothing but we always have that nagging doubt!

It used to just go away when u was younger but the older I get the harder it is to shake the fear!