View Full Version : Anxiety the last year

08-31-2010, 08:46 PM
Hey this is the first time I've tried posting about this. So I used to never have a single problem and would drink could drink tons of caffeine and basically handle whatever I wanted. I am 17 now. Almost a year ago I was in a rough time. I did some stupid things. The biggest spark for my anxiety was taking cold medicine to get high, Coricidin Cough & Cold. I took 4 in the late afternoon then felt good and liked it. It wasn't extreme though. The next morning on the bus to school I took 3. At the end of first period I stood up and instantly almost fell down. My heart was pounding and I thought I was going to die. I immediately visioned myself calling my dad and being taken to the hospital. But the feeling never got worse so I knew I'd be okay. The panic attacks lasted for the next couple days. I smoked weed as much as I could to feel normal after school that day. I do not smoke weed or cigarettes anymore, although weed helps greatly. I also do not drink. I'm completely scared of cigarettes and pills now, never having a problem with either before. Then a while ago when I was sick my parents gave me some Dayquil and Nyquil to help. I woke up in the middle of the night having a horrible panic attacks that lasted a couple hours like before and they stayed with me for the next few days, along with very large/dilated pupils. I have anxiety everyday now. I cannot touch caffeine anymore either. My anxiety is strongest when I'm around cigarettes and talking about drugs, cuz of what i did. I do believe everythings in my head from what happened in the past. But I also am so sick of living with this. I'm a believer in natural cures for things, but I also want to try to get medicated for this, because its just too hard to handle now. I want to be like all my friends and others again. I'd do anything for it. And it's so hard when some people make fun of you for having panic attacks. I just hate pills and what they do to you more than anything, but I think it's time to try it. I should do whats better for myself I think. I just would like to thank anybody who reads this. Please tell me what you think, I want to be normal again.

08-31-2010, 10:33 PM
This sort of thing actually happened to me once. I foolishly took a hit of LSD, had a REALLY bad trip, and didn't feel right for quite some time. Needless to say, I would never think of touching the stuff again. But when I look at that incident and compare it to what I have been through in the last few years, I realize just how easy it is to deal with that sort of problem compared to anxiety disorder caused purely by actual life issues which are seemingly unsolvable.

Anyway, what happens here is you have a bad drug experience and become REALLY scared. This intense fear seems to be enough to push you into anxiety disorder (of course, having added life stressors doesn't help, even if the stressors wouldn't push you into anxiety disorder without the drugs). So now, you feel anxiety just about all the time. And even the thought of taking a drug again seems downright scary. But you might also have a fear that you have done some sort of irreversible damage to yourself.

As for dealing with this problem, because of your fear of drugs, I would avoid dealing with it by means of medication (although you would probably be pressured to take pills if you saw a doctor - I was). They would only give you more to be afraid of, especially considering that antidepressant drugs can have some pretty scary side effects. The best thing you can do is to learn to accept all of your anxiety symptoms as nothing more than symptoms that can do no harm to you. All that happened is that you got a good scare, and are now suffering the aftermath.

Also, try to get yourself to go out and do things, whether with your friends or otherwise. Outdoor activities seem to be particularly good for depression and anxiety. Doing things (vs staying at home) will get your mind off your problems. And you will most certainly feel better afterwards than if you just stayed home. You may feel 'weird' or unmotivated to do anything. And you may feel like it would be of no help to do anything. But when you actually get out, you will be surprised at just how helpful it is.

Finally, be patient. Unfortunately, anxiety disorder almost NEVER goes away quickly. And worrying that it isn't only makes things worse. Remember that it may be a while before you feel like yourself again. BUT, over time, things will get better. However, also realize that during recovery, you WILL experience 'setbacks', when anxiety seems to get worse. This is normal, and does not mean that you are going back to square one. So just learn to accept, keep occupied, and be patient. If you do these things, recovery WILL happen.

09-01-2010, 01:02 AM
I do feel that its permanent or that I've done permanent damage. Only because why would caffeine affect me so much now? And why would even taking a regular dose of cold meds do that to me while I'm asleep? And why would the effects last for a few days after? I think I caused a chemical imbalance or something from what I did.

And aside from your LSD trip, I tried a little mushrooms once and enjoyed it. Only time I was able to eat more than a tiny sliver though without freaking out. Most days usually before going to bed I get a numb feeling in my face similar to the body high from that trip and sometimes I've noticed things look like they're moving and I don't know whether I just think they are or if I'm having a mild flashback.

09-01-2010, 03:36 AM
Does anybody think seeing a therapist will help?

09-01-2010, 04:03 AM
I'm 60 yo now. I was like you for the 1st 30 years of my life. I had SA due to my father a WWII vet who badgered us to no end. I started taking drugs in JHS because I was thought I was a coward. I could not make a speech in front of the class w/o breaking into a sweat and panicking like a sissy. Everyone in my school thought I was a nut case. I would do well in gym class and could stand up for myself with the other boys. Yet I would melt when I had to make a speech.

It messed up my life. I overcompensated and became a delinquent, drug user, etc. Never committed a felony though.

I was cured when I found a book on social anxiety. I don't remember the title, but it was around 1980, and the color was orange and yellow. It explained that I was badgered so badly that I could not function when dozens and more looked directly at me. Since then, 30 years ago, I can talk in front of a class, and make speeches just fine, both prepared and ad libed. It was a miracle to me back in 1980. I had been a total wreck. It changed my life.

09-01-2010, 10:35 PM
I got a Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin D2, some Rescue Remedy Spray, and some kind of anxiety supplement. Lady at the store recommended this.

09-01-2010, 10:51 PM
I do feel that its permanent or that I've done permanent damage. Only because why would caffeine affect me so much now? And why would even taking a regular dose of cold meds do that to me while I'm asleep? And why would the effects last for a few days after? I think I caused a chemical imbalance or something from what I did.

It certainly feels like this is permanent. But that's only because it will take you some time to recover fully. Recovery from an anxiety disorder is almost NEVER quick. But the fact of the matter is that your mind will 'right' itself if you are patient and let it do so. Someone here once told me that every second you spend NOT thinking about anxiety disorder or how you feel is a second in recovery. So try to do what you can to worry less about this problem, even if you can only do so a little at this time. Every little bit helps over the long run.

As for caffeine and cold medication affecting you the way it does, it is doing this because you have anxiety disorder. By definition, anxiety disorder means being 'keyed up' to some degree. And taking ANYTHING with stimulants in it (like caffeinated drinks or cold medications) will result in an exaggerated reaction to those stimulants. Because of this, it is best to avoid stimulants until you have recovered.

And aside from your LSD trip, I tried a little mushrooms once and enjoyed it. Only time I was able to eat more than a tiny sliver though without freaking out. Most days usually before going to bed I get a numb feeling in my face similar to the body high from that trip and sometimes I've noticed things look like they're moving and I don't know whether I just think they are or if I'm having a mild flashback.

It's hard to say whether this is all a result of shrooming. Is this something that started immediately after shrooming? Or is it something that started later? If you took the shrooms after your anxiety disorder started, then I would say that anxiety disorder is DEFINITELY to blame. However, if you took them before, it's hard to say. Flashbacks are unlikely. I'm not sure if flashbacks are typical with shrooms. But even with LSD, they generally only happen after extended heavy use of the drug. A single use generally won't do it. Howevr, even if you shroomed before anxiety disorder, these sensations could still be psychosomatic. After all, it is quite typical to fear the worst has happened after trying drugs.

Does anybody think seeing a therapist will help?

A therapist MIGHT help. The only problem is that SO many of them are really no good. And it's VERY hard to find a good one.

09-02-2010, 12:33 AM
The numb feeling in my face started after I did the mushrooms. But idk whether it was a little after or immediately after. But I took them many months after my anxiety started.

09-02-2010, 04:47 AM
But I took them many months after my anxiety started.

And that's significant. You took them at a time when you were already pretty freaked out. So I would say that these sensations you are getting are DEFINITELY related to anxiety.

Here's something else to consider. LOTS of people out there have taken LOTS more drugs than you have. I have even known a couple. But they managed to come back completely. Now I'm certainly not telling you that it is OKAY to go out and get completely wasted on drugs. But what I AM saying is that you are most likely okay, save for the anxiety disorder resulting from the scare you got from the experience you had in school with the cold medication. This sort of thing actually happens to LOTS of people. And all you really need to do is allow your mind to heal and give it the time it needs.

09-02-2010, 11:03 AM
Okay. Thanks you guys. Now I am gonna take the things I bought, it definitely won't hurt. And what else can I do get this solved?

09-08-2010, 08:35 AM
This seems simmilar to what happened to me. I've also been using quite a lot of drugs over the summer (but it's been all good) however after a high dose of caffiene I started to get an an anxiety attack, it's lasted over a month now of feeling anxious and disconnected with reality. Also feels like some sort of chemical imbalance and feels permenent. I'm 17 too by the way. I've never had any sort of anixety or deppression whatsoever in the past, but now this is really bringing me down.

It litterally feels like I can't relax at all, and there's something wrong with my mind as it keeps thinking too rapid and won't just relax for a second. It makes getting up everyday seem so hard. The thing that helps me feel better though is that after my anxiety attack, there was around three days when I felt perfectly fine but after taking another dose of caffiene (assuming everything was fine now) I ended up going back into anxiety. It helps me feel better because the fact that I felt better probably means that there isn't anything acutally wrong with me like I thought there was. That my mind is just overstimulated and working too fast now, which is why even a tiny portion of caffiene can make me feel so awful.

What's helped me so far? Well being around close friends or getting out and doing something helps quite a lot, but still not enough to erase these thoughts of my mind.

I also feel like I'm ruining my relatonships with people, espically this girl who I'm with, I used to be her support and always calm her down when she was feeling bad. We used to be able to laugh and be happy toggether. Now most of the time we hangout I just end up having some sort of breakdown, and since I can't feel happy I just can't really cope how I used to with her. She's obivously becoming more distant from me due to this too...

Anyway, if anything helps with you, please let me know :)

09-11-2010, 01:38 AM
I totally understand what you mean. I am able to relax most of the time, but really it's not good enough. I'd love to always be calm. For the relationship thing, I've been with my girlfriend for almost a year now and she is the biggest help I have with this. She listens to everything and always helps me feel better. She completely understands me. I have school anxiety too again now that its started again. Not social anxiety, but it's related to just being at school. Again, because of a past time at school. Being by her makes it better.

My best advice honestly for calming down is zazen practice. Not exactly meditation. It's counting the breaths. It always calms me down a ton and keeps me calm for a while after. You can do it wherever too. Also doing things that you enjoy as often as possible. I'm playing a gig tomorrow and that's the biggest endorphin release I can get.