View Full Version : How does your significant other act?

08-31-2010, 04:33 PM
To your anxiety issue?

08-31-2010, 10:41 PM
She left after 10 years. My anxiety (which I had long before I met her) was getting worse and worse: I developed a mole, and was convinced it was cancerous. I spent almost every night crying and talking to her about how I wanted her to be happy when I was gone, asking her to take care of my dog and telling her if I lived I was going to marry her. Then I developed a constant dizzy feeling. It wasn't letting up for a month, got really bad one day and I called the ambulance to come take me to the hospital. They diagnosed me with hypertension and sent me on my way, but the dizzyness remained, as did my constant thoughts of dying. I guess it was all too much for her to handle, so she confessed she had been cheating and moved out. Thank god for my sister, who helped me greatly through that rough period.

09-01-2010, 01:49 AM
That brings back memories, I did that with a mole once! Although I am afraid of the dying thing I dont think I ever quite went to the level where I was 100% convinced I was going to, just worried about the possibility.

In answer to the original question, she is pretty supportive for the most part. Sometimes she will talk me though it just fine, othertimes she gets annoyed with me for being silly! :D

09-01-2010, 09:37 AM
Me, same as Phoenix. He is supportive and helps me when I am having a hard day/time, but I can tell when he if frustrated with me also. :oops:

09-02-2010, 06:47 PM
Since my anxiety is so focused on us, her and our relationship, she does have quite a hard time dealing with it. Whatever major problems we have in our relationship, my anxiety accounts for about 3/4 of them I'm afraid. But it's such a new thing for the both of us, I've only been to therapy for about five months and it's still hard for me to distinguish my "real" feelings from those caused by anxiety. I constantly worry about her ex-boyfriends having been superior to me in all ways imaginable and she gets really upset whenever i start talking about it, which I really try my best never to do since my thoughts are just irrational worries that have nothing to do with reality. On a number of occassions, it's actually gone so far we've been close to breaking up after we've had fights related to my anxious thoughts.

I know it's very tough for her too, but I wish she would read up more on worrying and irrational thoughts so that she could help call me down and help me distinguish the anxious thoughts from the real ones whenever I start talking about them (which, again, rarely happens cause I do my best to avoid bringing them up). I think that if she realized what thoughts and feelings were rationally mine and which were caused by the anxiety, it'd be much easier for the both of us. If anyone has any advice on good websites that I could ask her to read on that'd be great.