View Full Version : Anxiety&Work

08-30-2010, 02:01 PM
Hi all, i have been reading alot of these posts and most of you are able to work. I am really finding it hard 2 get back into work, my last job was 3 years ago. I would love to get back on my feet i feel really bad knowing alot of you are working and just gettin on with it, makes me feel kinda bad. I dont feel like i should receive help when there are people alot worse then me. But i feel so ill every day! i just cant bare having these attacks infront of people that makes me feel worse. please can you tell me how you manage to do this, any tips.

08-30-2010, 04:46 PM
hey, if you are ill, don't worry. having an anxiety disorder is no different from suffering from any other ailment.

Its just unfortunate that so many people have not yet caught up in their perception.

There still is a great deal of misunderstanding and bigotry where people suffering from anxiety are concerned.

View it as the same as having a physical disability, perhaps worse in some cases. And only an ass hole would pick on someone with such a severe disability for not working, right? (unfortunately there is no lack of ass holes in this world).

It is funny really, as if someone suffered from schizophrenia people would generally be very understanding and helpful.

However, because most people suffer from stress to a lesser or greater degree, people see anxiety disorders as nothing more, so look at people who are not working because of their condition as scum bags who are skipping work.

This of course is far from the truth so don't worry about the bigots who may bully you because of your disposition (which is no fault of your own, perhaps your condition is there fault?).

If you do feel well enough to work, perhaps there are some work schemes in your area that will give you therapeutic work for a start, which may lead to permanent employment.

In fact, where I live, I know of people who have been in psych ward who have been given therapeutic work placements for some time, which have lead to permanent employment at a very high salary!

So, never give up. You never know what is around the corner.

Alternatively, if you can not do full time work, perhaps consider part time or work out a way to make money on your own. Depending on what skills you have, will depend on what opportunities are available.

Otherwise. Good luck and don't let the bigot bullies get you down.
It is only a matter of time until they get whats coming to them!
every man shall have his day and all...:-)

08-30-2010, 05:42 PM
Thank you for your advise, i guess taking small steps would be the best way. people just make you feel realy guilty just because they cannot see what i have like a injury. i just feel that every one around thinks im making it up, and this is people i know. so i would find it really difficult meeting new people.

08-30-2010, 08:47 PM
Have you ever considered working from home? There are alot of legit jobs at wahm.com and workplacelikehome.com

just untill you get the courage to go back to work in a brick and mortar

08-31-2010, 12:49 AM
MJ dont EVER think of your self as any different to any other person no matter if you work or not we are all eqaul in this world and we has a forum family dont see each other as any different so please feel welcomed and part of the family :tongue: