View Full Version : Suffering

08-30-2010, 12:58 PM
I am somewhat new to this. I don't know what is wrong with me and I think that makes my condition worse. I lost my father in November and it seems to have crushed me. Prior to this loss nothing bothered me. Not work not home not money nothing. I am 31 and relatively healthy. don't smoke drink every once in a while and I am slightly overweight but so it everyone else right?
in junst I expierenced a pain in my chest and I have been obsessed with it for the last 2 months. EKG - normal, stress test - good. DR and Cardio both said I am in good health. WHY THEN can I not ignore my heart? I have tried talking to myself. Crying when I feel like I need to and just generally makeing changes in diet and soda and caffine. This is maddening and it has to stop. As I sit here at my desk typing I am thinking about and feeling my heart palpitations and wondering if today is my last day......this is NUTS. I am seeking professional help and going to her on a bi-weekly basis. The physical therapist told me that the pain in my chest and shoulder (left side) were a rotator issue that he beleives has been resolved......WHY can't my mind accept this. Why do I dontinue to question the test results that should show me I am fine.........god please let this get better.......

08-31-2010, 01:42 AM
welcome to the forum mate it sounds to me like how i was when i first got anxiety the pulpitations and worrie of thats it my life is over scared that i will go to sleep and never wake up yes this is anxiety and i think a big cause to some of it can be caffine coffee, but please put your mind to ease reading this because we are with you and here to help you some of the people on the forum includeing myself have your condition and all we can do is help each other through it . Im Mark by the way ;)

08-31-2010, 10:55 AM
I'm like both of you. Started off with my heart. It's still my main issue, but the therapy IS working to rationalize my thoughts that I still have daily, like my next palp is gonna be the last, it's gonna kill me. It used to completley consume me, but I am getting better. It's for sure anxiety! ihad all the heart tests you had and MORE and it wasn't enough to reassure me....enter anxiety. :roll: It's just hard because I feel so selfish that I have a clean bill of health, but still worry something is wrong.

08-31-2010, 02:54 PM
im here for you both guys we can only help each other on this one 8)

need advice
09-04-2010, 04:39 PM
I can totally relate. I have been experiencing diarrhea/constipation for the past 2 weeks and I can't stop worrying something is wrong with me physically. Anxiety has taken over and I haven't been able to sleep for the past 3 nights. I saw a nurse practitioner today and told her my situation and she prescribed adavin for help with sleep and zoloft. haven't taken the adavin yet, will do it tonight. took 1/2 tablet of zoloft this morning.

I have been obsessed with feeling like I'm going to die. Been under stress at work, finacial stree and a cowrker died suddenly in end of May then another friend of mine lost her husband to a car accident in July. I went to get a routine physical in july and was told my blood work was fine but had blood in my urine, told i had a uti and prescibed cipro for 5 days. took the med then went to get a pap exam by gyn and she said i still had some blood in my urine..did another urine culture it came back with trace amount of blood and no bacteria growth. the gyn told me (before the test came back) that it could be polups or a tumor, etc. that had me totally freaked and ever since then worrying about cancer, death etc.