View Full Version : Hi All

06-07-2006, 11:49 PM
Hi all

This is the first time I have come across other people who deal with these issues - great to know there are others out there - sooooo HI!!!! :D

06-08-2006, 02:28 PM
hi!! :) welcome to the site, make yourself at home.. but try not to raid the fridge until I get a chance to get groceries. :tongue:

06-12-2006, 09:09 PM
Don't forget the choccie cake!

06-13-2006, 09:36 AM
lol okay! mmm chocolate :yum:

06-14-2006, 06:55 AM
I am really glad to discover this forum. My name is Mia. I have been struggling with anxiety and panic for many years. Recently I have been experiencing hypochondria. I believe this has been due to the death of a couple of people that I know. I have been pre-occupied with my health for the last 6 months. sometimes I feel almost "normal", but then slip back into a more depressed state. I have a hard time seeing the glass as half full. I get so angry with myself for being such a whiner. I think I am even more afraid because I am having tests today. I always get very anxious before and after tests because I always expect the worst outcome. I just need some encouragement and support. Thanks, Mia :|

06-15-2006, 09:02 PM
mia, welcome to the forum. Hypochondria seems common among anxiety sufferers, so you're not alone there. I hope things go well with the tests :)