View Full Version : Potassium? nutrients? bad??

08-29-2010, 10:37 PM
I used to worry about sodium, as everytime i ate anything with an average amount...id believe my heart would give out. I kinda got over that some.
I always read labels before i eat foods...and today I noticed everything had 5-10% potassium...
and now im believing i could of consumed too much? will it kill you?
stuck in a panic.

08-30-2010, 05:05 AM
I used to worry about sodium, as everytime i ate anything with an average amount...id believe my heart would give out. I kinda got over that some.
I always read labels before i eat foods...and today I noticed everything had 5-10% potassium...
and now im believing i could of consumed too much? will it kill you?
stuck in a panic.

Hey ya,

You will be fine, I guarantee it! You cant eat too much of it unless you were having more food than you can probably consume! Same with with sodium, as long as you dont eat a tonne of fried food or add obscene amounts of slat to things you will be right!

08-30-2010, 08:54 AM
Think the guys given some good advice above.
By nature, people who suffer from anxiety worry!
And people who have chronic or severe anxiety disorders are prone to worry about everything.
Having the internet is useful if you suffer from worry issues as it allows the layman to research the things that worry him/her.

It sounds like you are just worrying about these issues.
However, if you want to make sure, you can always go see your doctor and get a blood test and blood pressure test.

Checking specifically for the area's that you are worried about (or even more)
At the same time, it may be worth speaking to your doctor about supplementing you diet or your diet it self. As I am sure he would be able to give you some simple advice as to what is normal.

Alternatively, if you can afford it, you can speak to a nutritionist, who can give you expert advise with regards to your diet.
If you can not afford a nutritionist, it is possible to buy a cheap book on the subject.
Although, be careful here, as buying a book that gives advice on supplements for each different ailment may make you worry that you need to buy more supplements than you actually need.

In my experience, only some supplements have a positive effect on the average person suffering from anxiety (with no other health issues).

In fact, some doctors believe that most supplements do nothing but toxify the liver. It is perhaps advisable to get as much nutrition from your diet rather than from pills. Unless you are buck rogers!...:-)

Although, i can recommend the following supplements for people who suffer from anxiety:

B complex (very important for the nervous system and for producing red blood cells)

Omega 3 (reduces the stress hormones in the blood and helps brain functioning)

Panax Ginseng (is supposed to balance stress hormones over time)

Licorice root (is supposed to slow down the release of cortisol)

L Theanine (relaxant made from green tea)

08-30-2010, 09:33 AM
To the post of what is good for anxiety, thanks. I have tried valerine root and it does nothing ...

08-30-2010, 05:19 PM
Thank you for the replies. I do not eat much fried foods, im afraid to nowdays because of the worry. When my anxiety episodes come around I get afraid to eat anything, and I need to battle that. I notice during the day my body is stressed trying to fight anxiety...but when I clear my head, I feel fine mentally, but still anxious.
I've lost alot of weight over the past week...and in the past couple days I've put myself on a healthy diet and daily exercise. Maybe the energy I'm giving my muscles and body is thought of as anxious feelings, possibly.

I believe I'll be okay one day, I've beaten this before. And I thank each and every one of you in this community for the support.