View Full Version : panic away

08-29-2010, 03:51 PM
Has anyone tried the panic away course advertised on this site? Is it really as great as he makes it out to be? I'm tempted to order it because I am grasping at straws but it is a lot of money.
Anyone tried it?

08-29-2010, 10:48 PM
I've used it and as silly as it may sound, I believe in it. I mention in a thread that I've only had a few panic attacks since I got the program in January. I haven't had a panic attack since April. Here's a link to the thread I'm referring to and following that is a link to the thread with suggested supplements to aid in anxiety.

Diet, vitamins, minerals, exercise and a few good people (or a good online community) to support you in times of setbacks will get you on the road to being "normal" again.

Since I can't post links yet, here are the partial URLs

