View Full Version : suicidal thoughts

08-29-2010, 03:34 PM
I find lately that when I have anxiety I hate it so much that I just want to die. Its awful and I hate it and I don't want any more. I've been in therapy for 10 years and while I'm better (originally dx with Borderline Personality Disorder but no longer quite meet that dx) I still have so much anxiety. I'm afraid I'll never get over it and I just don't want any more. The only way to escape is death. Don't worry I'm not actively suicidal, its just thoughts but thats how much I hate it.

08-29-2010, 07:50 PM
Hello ck9. Suicidal Thoughts? I understand that deeply.
Before I ever took medication back years ago (been off them now though), I saw no way of helping myself get over the panic, the anxiety, the constant fear of everyone and everything..even loved ones.
Self-pity and the feeling of impossible change led me to be suicidal also.
The selfish idea that no one understood, but maybe in death they would...was the wrong thought.
Unless one person experiences the common and rare symptoms of anxiety disorder, they will never understand it completely.
Ridding anxiety is very possible...I've done it once..just lost alot of hope in life recently, and had a big relapse.
I fought off 3 panic attacks today just by telling myself "I beat you once, go away".
Thinking suicidal will mean anxiety won...and us human beings are capable of overcoming anything. Be one of those guys :)

08-29-2010, 08:10 PM
I feel the same way. At least once a month I get a break down and and I feel like I will never live a normal life due to anxiety and panic. I am not suicidal but I am scared because I am on medication and all the medications warn may cause suicidal thoughts and what happens if for some reason the meds make me kill myself! Scary situation

08-30-2010, 05:09 AM
Hey all,

I understand where your coming from, when your down and cant see a way out it can be really hard! Keep working through it, its not always that bad!

09-06-2010, 09:54 AM
I like your post about suicidal thoughts. It is very good topic for discussion. Every one can share their thoughts about it. According to me i think that Suicidal thoughts are troubling, especially when accompanied by depression, other mental illnesses, alcohol or substance abuse, or plans for suicide