View Full Version : is this a common symptom of anxiety?

chat noir
08-29-2010, 12:58 PM
For about the last two months I've suffered from chronic indigestion, I have been feeling extremely stressed and panicky recently and assume this is the cause of the stomach problem! Over the last week it's become worse and I have a sharp almost itchy burning pain in my stomach that comes and goes (usually comes after I've eaten a big meal). it's now difficult to tell whether it's my anxiety causing the pain and indigestion or the pain and indigestion causing the anxiety. Is this a common symptom of anxiety? I've also been feeling weirdly hungry a lot of the time, no matter how much I eat, but I can't eat a lot in one go.

08-29-2010, 02:53 PM
"it's now difficult to tell whether it's my anxiety causing the pain and indigestion or the pain and indigestion causing the anxiety".
id say its a possibility of both.
anxiety can cause our stomaches to feel really funny, and sometimes painful. and with stress...indigestion happens.
pain in the stomach can make a person with GAD very anxious.