View Full Version : Switching from Buspar to Elavil (Amitryptiline)

08-29-2010, 03:29 AM
I've been on Buspar for 4 weeks and now need to switch to Elavil. How long should I be off Buspar before beginning the other med? THanks in advance for any help.

08-29-2010, 06:22 PM
i imagine the usual tappering off procedure would be most advisable, while at the same time you wait for your other med Elavil to work.

Reducing the dose of the Buspar by small amounts over a week or so.
I guess this will depend on your doctors advise.
I would imagine a half decent doctor will also prescribe a short course of low dose of diazapam (2mg or 5mg) for the crossover period.