View Full Version : Heaviness in Chest

08-28-2010, 06:45 PM
Is it normal to feel a heaviness in your chest for over 3 weeks? My doctor said it was anxiety, but I just want to know if anyone else out there feels this constant feeling. thank you. :cry:

08-28-2010, 09:41 PM
Hello Bekahboo, and yes it is very possible to have tightness in the chest for 3 weeks due to anxiety. Anxiety likes to stay for long periods of time, especially after an attack. A constant feeling of anxiety will cycle itself as you worry more of it. Find some activities to take your mind off it, and try some breathing exercises to loosen up your diaphragm. You'll be fine, promise.

08-29-2010, 03:16 PM
My anxiety often manifests in this way. I've never had it non-stop for 3 weeks though but it is possible. I'm sure the more you worry about it the more likely it is to stick around. Check to see if it is more or less at different times of day.

08-29-2010, 03:27 PM
Thank you both for your answer. I am certain now that it is a combination of grief and anxiety (as my little sister passed on in November). I began Zoloft last week but have not felt any difference and the Klonopin .5mg (3xday) that I take doesn't even seem to be taking the edge off. I am just very concerned about how strong my heart is to handle this for so long. It seems like a horrible cycle of worrying about the anxiety symptoms and causing more anxiety. :?

08-29-2010, 07:42 PM
Hello again Bekahboo. Your heart can withstand the anxiety feelings. It's not a physical danger to you or your body, it's more of a mental and emotional thing.
I've had feelings of strong anxiety for a long long time. Everytime I go to the doctor, my heart rate, blood pressure, blood samples..everything, is in top health. But it only takes the visit for them to tell me, for me to be assured of that fact.

08-29-2010, 08:19 PM
Hey there, I too am experiencing this. Last night had a "spell" heart beat fast fast ,felt like I may be having a heart issue. It passed finally...

at bedtime my hubby says he hopes I do not have an enlarge heart and I was like OMG WHAT IF I DO..so I worry all night and have felt scared and "heavy feeling" all day.

I burp alot too..I mean for hours...

08-29-2010, 08:23 PM
You are all so much help :) thank you so much... hope we can keep talking and helping each other through this :)