View Full Version : does this make me a bad person

08-28-2010, 05:21 PM
im always doubting myself as a person and feeling like im never good enough for anyone, my moods are so strange one minute im up the next im so down, i cant help but think negative things al the time despite self help books ect, when im around people i feel like im always wondering if they´re thinking im an idiot or why is she here or what they really think about me and if they even like me at al, iv had friends come and go in life so much(i do work abroad in summers tho so i guess its common) i always think what if im too boring for these lot and things they do i don't do...i find when im drunk i come out my shel and ´don't give a crap´so to spk but the next day doubt creeps right back in and i feel shit al the time! thing is not in a big headed sort of way but i get alot of attention for the way i look and i wouldn't say i was ugly at al so its not confidence in that department i need help with its the personality im worried about and if its ot good enough....if i feel all these things surly other people feel it too? is it normal for people with high anxiety to feel these sorts of things

08-28-2010, 07:49 PM
I'm not being big headed here, but I don't do well with compliments either, and I get them a lot. Makes me uncomfortable and like people are always watching me, and ft hey are saying it 'just to be nice' and really don't mean it. One of my friends, that I don't see much, was texting me and we started talking about our diets and I told her I lost 21 pounds and she said, "Well, I have always thought you were beautiful and perfect." Well I didn't like that on the inside, but said thank you. I have never asked my therapist about these feelings, but I think I will. Thanks for the insight to make me realize.

08-29-2010, 07:20 PM
Perhaps it is the way you see your self that is the problem.
Often people with low self esteem or confidence problems have problems because of the way they judge themselves.

Often people with such problems do so because they are comparing them selves to others, which often is unrealistic.

We are all individual people on this planet. No 2 alike.
We all individually have our talents and all have our challenges.
Some more than others.
Is this fair? I do not believe that it is.
Life isn't fair I guess.

But I guess we just have to do our best with what we got.

Try and count your blessings and find some direction for creative and spiritual fulfillment.

Perhaps even join a club that can help you develop and maybe you will find some people on the same wave length as yourself.

Try and count your blessings. You may be doing better than you first thought. (food, shelter, health, etc.)

If you still feel down, work out the area's that upset you and make a plan to work on the area's that you want to improve.

Just keep on battling. And don't worry if it doesn't work out straight away, just learn to roll with the punches and if you persevere you will eventually make progress or even do very well.

Do not be afraid!
