View Full Version : Are these anxiety symptoms?

08-26-2010, 01:28 PM
Recently I have been, or am experiencing the list of below symptoms, whilst trying to figure out what could be the cause I stumbled across a list of anxiety symptoms, and beginning to wonder if all my symptoms are anxiety related:

Hives - typically only after I have been sitting, and only on the back of my legs/sides.
Swellings on my bottom lip, kind of like hives, but usually just one small lump that goes away after a few hours.
Weird sour taste in the back of my throat, despite not eating anything to cause the taste.
Diarrhea / constipation, feeling like I constantly have to go to the bathroom.
Abdominal cramps, low in my abdomen, sometimes on one side, sometimes the other, sometimes in the center.
Sometimes one of my ears will feel like I am listening through a wall/fuzzy.
Lower back aches.
Poor sleep – I am lucky to get 5 hours a night.
My hands shake.
My legs twitch and shake (mostly overnight).
Occasional chest pain, feels like it is not quite at the bottom of my rib cage, goes all the way across, sometimes one side only. I thought heartburn, but I get it at weird times (as in, nowhere near a time I have eaten.)

I am sure there are others, but that is all I can think of at the moment. I feel as though I am under a huge amount of stress both financially and personally. I have had some of these symptoms for years (and have always had a restless, unable to relax type of personality) , but others only more recently, and a lot of them I can trace back to being laid off earlier in the year. I am going to make a doctor’s appointment, but even that adds to the stress as I do not currently have medical insurance, so worry about the cost of the initial visit, then worry that if they think I need to have further tests about the cost of those etc.

Any ideas?


08-27-2010, 01:33 AM
Recently I have been, or am experiencing the list of below symptoms, whilst trying to figure out what could be the cause I stumbled across a list of anxiety symptoms, and beginning to wonder if all my symptoms are anxiety related:

Hives - typically only after I have been sitting, and only on the back of my legs/sides.
Swellings on my bottom lip, kind of like hives, but usually just one small lump that goes away after a few hours.
Weird sour taste in the back of my throat, despite not eating anything to cause the taste.
Diarrhea / constipation, feeling like I constantly have to go to the bathroom.
Abdominal cramps, low in my abdomen, sometimes on one side, sometimes the other, sometimes in the center.
Sometimes one of my ears will feel like I am listening through a wall/fuzzy.
Lower back aches.
Poor sleep – I am lucky to get 5 hours a night.
My hands shake.
My legs twitch and shake (mostly overnight).
Occasional chest pain, feels like it is not quite at the bottom of my rib cage, goes all the way across, sometimes one side only. I thought heartburn, but I get it at weird times (as in, nowhere near a time I have eaten.)

I am sure there are others, but that is all I can think of at the moment. I feel as though I am under a huge amount of stress both financially and personally. I have had some of these symptoms for years (and have always had a restless, unable to relax type of personality) , but others only more recently, and a lot of them I can trace back to being laid off earlier in the year. I am going to make a doctor’s appointment, but even that adds to the stress as I do not currently have medical insurance, so worry about the cost of the initial visit, then worry that if they think I need to have further tests about the cost of those etc.

Any ideas?


Actually sounds like a combination of allergies and anxiety. All of your symptoms I believe are explainable and our bodies do weird things when under pressure. I would have an allergy test as well if you havent just because that wont help!

Good luck!

08-27-2010, 01:20 PM
also sour taste in back in throat could be acid relflux.