View Full Version : school

06-05-2006, 06:51 AM
hey amm well im 13 and school is a very big problem for me. every day i am being sent to the sick room and the kids in my class are starting to wonder what is wrong with me every time i get up to go they either tut or make a rude remark which really hurts my feelings. They are saying im not really sick and i just do it to get out of school with is not true they don't know what im going threw. I have told some girls from my class about my anxiety at first they believed me and supported me but now when im in the sickroom they just tut and walk away and when i try to explain to my friends what is wrong with me they dont seem interested they just change the subject. Im currently getting help for my anixety but i have exams in one week and i have been off school a LOT this term and i have loads and i mean loads to catch up on im afraid i will fail all my exams. My teachers know about my anxiety so when i get an attack i just say to go out and they always say yes but when another person in my class is sick they would just say sit down you will be fine. So they are saying she gets away with everything and i wish they would know but i dont want to tell them. i dont really know if i made a lot of sense there but what should i do

06-05-2006, 10:35 AM
irish chic, its pretty hard dealing with other kids that don't understand, sometimes I used to wish that they get a chance to walk in my shoes to see how it felt, then they would understand just how hard it is.

Unfortunately, many people are somewhat ignorant when it comes to other people they see as different then themselves. They so often jump to conclusions about things, making judgments that sometimes lack any kind of rationale. But because they don't understand the behavior or thoughts of the other, and because people like to think in ways that categorize and label everything and everyone, they seem to pigeonhole us as certain 'types' of people... I've been labeled as: stuck up, teachers pet, loser, wuss, freak, etc.

Its hard to reach people who have already formed a negative opinion of you... but I think sometimes it might be worth trying - because there are some out there that do have open minds. There might even be a few others in your school that are going through what you are going through.

Sharing your problems with others is a very difficult thing to do - and I think the fact you told some of your friends shows you are a pretty courageous girl. I think it shows you have a definite chance of overcoming this eventually :)

Hey.. try not to let what they say get to you - I know thats easier said than done, but just remember there are alot of others who understand and know that you are more than your anxiety.

06-07-2006, 04:48 AM
Thanks :) the head teacher of my school just said to me that he doesnt think i should do the tests and i wont be moved down a class because he thinks im smart enough to pull throught and im allowed to take the rest of this month off and then its the summer holidays for 2 months so hopefully i can get my confience back on track!! :D

06-07-2006, 10:23 AM
im glad that went well for you irish chic

I always used to be jealous of the irish school holidays u lot get so much longer off!!!

and welcome to the forum too
