View Full Version : My weight loss success! I did it

08-25-2010, 08:56 AM
Hello friends,

How are you all? I have been gone for many months now because of school and what not. During these times i put on over 50 LBS of weight. This made me mad because I had a very good physique prior to this.

Well i decide its time to get this off and well I have done it! I am now 165 lbs of healthy muscle and fat. The few things it required was time, effort, and determination. here is what I did to reach my goal:
__________________________________________________ _________

Stats (before success):
20 years old
202 lbs
5ft 10

I am going on a 3x10 and 5x5 workout. Meaning 1 week is 3x10 and another week is 5x5 and so on. My goal is to be 20 lbs less in 6 months time. Even if that means losing muscle then fine I will but i know I will gain muscle as well.

Workout - 5 days a week
Before every workout:
Run 1 Mile
Then elleptical for 10 minutes

Mon -
Pull Ups (no assisted pull up can do about 6, then machine pullups) - always 3x25
Barbell Bent Over Row
Dumbbell press
Tricep push downs

Tuesday -
Sport specific exercises - box jumps, etc

Wed -
Calf Raises
Pull Ups (3x25)
Should Press Dumbbell
Dumbbell Rows
Bicep Curls
Tricep Pushdowns

Thurs -
Run and stretch
Jumps, line jumps etc

Friday -
Dumbbell Lunges
Pulls Ups (3x25)
Bench Press
Bent Over Rows
Barbell Shoulder Raises

That is what I have so far. Tues and THurs I want to to go the gym just to stay active and run. It wont be a hard day at all. The time between sets is 1 minute.

__________________________________________________ _________

Breakfast -
1 cup oatmeal
1 tall glass milk

Pre workout -
1 Wheat Bread

Lunch -
White rice and some kind of meat (dont know what)

Fruit of some kind
Salad - fresh vegetables

Dinner -
Rice and some kind of meat
__________________________________________________ _________

Present time (August 2010):
20 years old
5ft 10
165 LBS!

Apart from the fitness regime above, I also took a nice weight loss product. I heard good reviews about that and with a good program this really helps to speed up the process. I really liked using it and will recommend it to my friends as well, its called Fat Burning Furnace (funny name),

Overall I love my achievements, I would like to put up pictures but my camera is dead. Thanks to this forum and its great threads I was able to do it successfully. Once again for people who are in my similiar situation, you need these things:

Hard Work
Good Workout
Good Food
chinese tonic herbs (http://hyperionherbs.com)

09-20-2010, 10:47 AM
Wow, good information given by you all. It is very useful and interesting for everyone. I am appreciated for its valuable information. I doubt that you respect the knowledge and wisdom in this sense.