View Full Version : Hello from Downunder.

08-25-2010, 01:13 AM
Hi everyone,

I am 26 years old, married a mother of 2 boys and Im from Australia.

I have been diagnosed with an anxiety/panic disorder about 2 months ago.

I find it to be quiet isolating, and while my husband is VERY understanding, I thought I might benfit from talking to people in my situation.

I am currently trialing medications, but find it VERY hard to get out to see my doctor. At this point I am feeling depressed and feel as though this is going to be life, however i know I will beat it - it just, for now, seems to be a LONG way away.

If there is anyone out there who in genuinly in the same position as myself or who has been, and would like to talk, please contact me. I look forward to it.


08-25-2010, 10:14 AM
Welcome. You will find a lot of great advice and understanding here. A few people get a bit out of hand, but all in all it's a great place.

I am 28, married with 2 girls. I was diagnosed last year with GAD/panic and also dealing with some OCD issues. My husband is also very understanding. I am in CBT, and so alot of my moments of being "shut down" aren't coming up as often because the therapy is doing it's job (!) but he made it through some rough times with me.

Again, welcome. :D

08-25-2010, 06:15 PM
Hi =)

Thanks for your reply. I feel i have some OCD issues, too. However yet to be diagnosed. I have only had 2 sessions with my councellor so I guess im still in the crap stage! I don't know if she does CBT but I will get into that with her next visit. As you can imagine, I am very blown away by it all.. and how sudden it come up.

I have come accross a couple of interesting people who have a lot of uncalled for opinions, but if you don't laugh you're gonna cry, right?

Again thanks for the welcome. Still trying to navigate this thing lol.

08-26-2010, 12:35 PM
True, I'm just gonna ignore the comments. I am here for anxiety, not to fight about the mental health system or God!!! :o)

Yes, the way it seems to "just hit" out of nowhere is the scariest feeling. Mine happened literally during my college graduation ceremony. That's when I had my 1st feelings of "get me out of here, NOW!" and feeling faint and shaky, all the symptoms. Then I haven't been the same since. I just wonder why. Graduation was something I was looking forward to for so long and I was excited all the way until I had to sit in the crowd, then I just "snapped." So strange. :roll:

08-26-2010, 02:54 PM
Hi Charm, Miss Anxiety,
I feel all warm inside just reading the two of you posting about something I have been alone with for far too long. I think I'm going to like it here.
For me anxiety comes up every morning pretty much, definately on days when I have to work. Work scares me a lot. I'll post more about that elsewhere. Welcome home!

08-26-2010, 05:13 PM
Hey Miss Anxiety, I'm new here too. I know how you feel, it's hard to come to terms with this condition. i'm still struggling with it myself. Talking to people who understand helps. I think we have come to the right place! I was scared how quickly i started suffering from anxiety, it seemed to happen overnight. Although, looking back i guess there were some warning signs before i developed full blown anxiety. Didn't spot it at the time though. Anyway, I hope you get the help you need. just take it one step at a time xx

08-26-2010, 08:26 PM
hi Ck, amelia. This site has helped me. Getting therapy is my ultimate healing-but having people that understand you, helps soooooo much too! Welcome :D

08-30-2010, 11:37 AM
welcome to the site im glad that everyone is willing to enjoy the help of each other this is what makes this site a good place to be also this site its self and just reading some of the things people are going through are the same as myn and it calms me knowing im not the only one out there welcome anyway im Mark ;)