View Full Version : anyone here who has generalized anxiety disorder

08-24-2010, 07:15 PM
i was just wanting to know if anyone else here who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and i would like to know their expereince with it and what they go through as i have this


08-24-2010, 10:32 PM
I have GAD, also agorophobia, and OCD. Diagnosed a year ago. Been in CBT for a little over a year. GAD is my main issue and the others tag along.

08-24-2010, 11:13 PM
I have GAD, also agorophobia, and OCD. Diagnosed a year ago. Been in CBT for a little over a year. GAD is my main issue and the others tag along.

This just goes to show you the stupidity of mental health diagnoses. Your GAD, OCD, and agoraphobia are clearly NOT three separate conditions in the way that having a cold, ear infection, and athlete's foot are. Yet, this is the way that the mental health profession makes them out to be. Then again, anything that is considered a mental health 'disease' is really just a set of symptoms. And saying that you have OCD, GAD, and agoraphobia is really just saying that your anxiety disorder has these three sets of symptoms.

08-25-2010, 12:17 AM
Hello =)

I also have GAD. Was diagnosed about 2 months ago.

I have anxiety ALL the time, i can manage to bare through it while I am at home, however I peak when im out, but mostly panic about having a panic attack which is also very debilitating.

I am not interested in people judging me, however if you sincerly would like to talk to someone in a similar position, please contact me =) I could also use someone to talk to.

08-25-2010, 12:44 AM
I have GAD, also agorophobia, and OCD. Diagnosed a year ago. Been in CBT for a little over a year. GAD is my main issue and the others tag along.

This just goes to show you the stupidity of mental health diagnoses. Your GAD, OCD, and agoraphobia are clearly NOT three separate conditions in the way that having a cold, ear infection, and athlete's foot are. Yet, this is the way that the mental health profession makes them out to be. Then again, anything that is considered a mental health 'disease' is really just a set of symptoms. And saying that you have OCD, GAD, and agoraphobia is really just saying that your anxiety disorder has these three sets of symptoms.

Well said . :lol: That is differently the problem with mental health . Is iit not bad enough to deal with anxiety let alone tell someone they have 3 different things .

cheers kev

08-25-2010, 07:13 AM
I've been diagnosed with GAD. Im 27 now, and have been suffering with it since I was 20. For 6 of those years I didn't know what was wrong with me, and they were pretty dark years, from thinking i had a brain tumour, taking anti depressant because i was told i had depression( fluoxitine actually made the anxiety worse) to breaking down in front of my mother because I couldn't keep it to myself anymore. For most of that period, Derealisation has been my main problem, and although Im not completely over it, being able to understand it has helped me rationalise my thoughts and see it for what it is: ie, an intrusive mind set that makes you question the reality of everything! Anyway, by managing that, I have been told that my anxiety levels were the cause of the derealisation. I still get very anxious spells for weeks at a time, for no reason, and when its not so bad, i am constantly thinking of how to get better, so it is with me in one way or another 24/7. The physical effects of anxiety are very unpleasant. I can feel it through my limbs and back, and have periods of intense pressure in my head (3 neurologists and 2 brain scans have shown no irregularities in my head). It goes beyond 'butterflies in the tummy'. Hangovers are intensified by this, where all symptoms of anxiety are heightened, and although i love to have a drink with friends, I kind of dread it, because of the inevitable feelings i will experience for a few days after. I donn't fear any situations, like flying, confined spaces or speaking in public, but when the anxiety (which is always there at some level) intensifies it can make me avoid situations and make life pretty unenjoyable. EG, I am a newly qualified history teacher, and although I love the subject, I feel like the anxiety really holds me back from enjoying the whole experience, even though you would be hard pushed to realise I have a problem. I dont drink caffeine, I drink camomile tea, exercise a lot and try relaxation techniques twice a week, but the symptoms still persist. If anyone reading this can relate, then maybe you could share your experiences and hopefully, your success in alleviating anxiety.

08-25-2010, 09:36 AM
*shrugs* I am getting better and that's all that matters to me.

08-25-2010, 01:59 PM
charmbracelet, thats a nice attitude to have. As for your little message on the end of all your posts, you should wake up and realise that your God doesn't exist. Your blind faith is deluded. If you're in the UK, watch More4 (channel 138 on sky) tonight at 9pm, "the God delusion". Better still, read the book of the same title, by Richard Dawkins. Open your eyes :shock:

08-25-2010, 06:13 PM
i have the same problem as the above, mate its good to hear i am not the only one, my main issue is alcohol, i will drink and my hangover will be twice as bad for the next couple of days

08-25-2010, 07:17 PM
I suffer from GAD and mild OCD. I refuse to take meds and am coping through exercise and a healthy diet. I have my good days and bad, but can go weeks or months where I have little or no anxiety. Life stressors seem to triger it.

Having a hard time right now. I am a social drinker but I agree with you that the hangovers are brutal because my anxiety always spikes!

08-25-2010, 07:46 PM
Nope, I am in the good ol' United States of America, and my God is an awesome God. Being that I am a Christian, I accept your views and comments, and don't judge the way you view the world.

08-26-2010, 01:17 AM
charmbracelet, thats a nice attitude to have. As for your little message on the end of all your posts, you should wake up and realise that your God doesn't exist. Your blind faith is deluded. If you're in the UK, watch More4 (channel 138 on sky) tonight at 9pm, "the God delusion". Better still, read the book of the same title, by Richard Dawkins. Open your eyes :shock:

Not really your place to say is it? Just because you dont believe in something doesnt mean you can criticise someone elses beliefs. Who is to say? Can we prove the existence of God? Scientifically speaking no we cant BUT, can you prove God doesnt exist? The answer is no again. :roll:

Plus, one could argue that life on earth is too scientifically unlikely for it not to have been created by a higher power.

I dont have any strong leanings either way although I am more inclined to believe something created the universe, it didnt just "happen"

ANYWAY, to the topic at hand. I have had diagnosed GAD for 4ish years although in hindsight I have always have had it some form when I was younger, it just wasnt as bad! It comes and goes, sometimes I am fine for months and othertimes I will battle it for months, its a rollercoaster.

08-26-2010, 02:37 PM
[quote="hockey2010fanatic"]i have the same problem as the above, mate its good to hear i am not the only one, my main issue is alcohol, i will drink and my hangover will be twice as bad for the next couple of day

Is there anything you do to alleviate it? I find that knowing you're going to feel rough the next day, lessens the enjoyment of the night out. And kind of becomes a self fulfillin prophecy! Another thing that kills me is not being able to go on a lads holiday anymore because of the reaction to drink. Not long ago, I could spend a week on the drink in ibiza and not feel a thing. Maybe its just age!