View Full Version : from a professional traveler.

06-04-2006, 11:27 AM
From a professional traveler.

I did wander into this web forum, discovering that my own
personal anxiety issues might not really fall into what is known
as "agoraphobia".

I operate a semi-tractor trailer nationwide in the USA.

Having never had a home (of my own) to fear leaving out of the
front door, most people couldn't understand why I would have
anxiety about leaving the commercial vehicle that is assigned to

My own situation is difficult to describe - without expecting
someone to read (and myself to write) a full length novel.

However, I have created material that might be of some benefit
to people having a real case of clinical "agoraphobia".

What I have is nationwide video material of American Highways
- going back a few years.

If someone has any input for me re: what exactly I should be
doing with this material; I would love to hear from you.

I am easily located online (type in a dot com after my username).
