View Full Version : Hi from Anxiety Sufferer

08-23-2010, 04:24 AM
Hi Everyone,

I have decided that this is the way to go the doctors doesn't seem to have helped much. I have alway been a guy that was pretty relaxed or it just seemed that way. I used to work very stressful hours and used to drink a lot of alcohol for a long time. a few years back I started getting a few episodes of sleep paralysis. did not think much of it. Just a very weird feeling A few months after that I started getting pains in my chest and slight memory loss. I also got palpitations as well. And my sugar regulation was shot as well. As a was you and to proud I never went to the doctors.

My situation as of now it has been 4 year since the symptoms have started. I ignored it at first but it got to its worst when we immigrated from South Africa to New Zealand. 2 years ago. On my arrival in NZ i got struck with a bladder/kidney infection and soon after I got glandular-fever/mono. 4 months the doctors could not find out that I had glandular fever. I was panicing and thinking that i was dying. With no cause as all my results came back ok. With all my test done at the doctors. I did from thyroid to cortisol tests, blood sugers everything. Was very sick of needles.

May of last year I had a holder monitor for my heart to catch one of these palpitations. On that day I was fine no symtons at all :) So after I went to a cardiologist to check my heart they did stress test, echo sonar to check the valves and all he said all is fine. I have had a few different doctors listen to my heart they all say it is fine. I think i have a slow heart rate from the mono now at about 55 beats per min. ( When feeling good and bad) same rate all the time

All the doctors say I have anxiety

My current symptoms are

Chest pains

Palpitations mainly when going to bed

Dizzy only some once a week

General feeling of unwell mainly in the evening after 5ish when i am cooking

Breathlessness when walking upstairs not always( But I can play a game of squash or go for a jog and I am fine) Looks like this mainly happens when I am not exerting my self fully( adrenals kicking in to slowly or something)

Bad sleeping patterns.

extreme fatigue during certain parts of the day. Every random last for about 30min then i am back to normal.

I also get a feels like a skipped beat/tingling in my chest

My main problem is that i dont trust the doctors opinion.

The symptom i am most concerned with the breathlessness one. How can i be that out of breath with doing so little.

Any advice or motivation will be great.


2 more things I am only 26 years old and sorry for the long first post.

08-23-2010, 10:50 AM
Hello. Since you were cleared by the doc's, it is more than likely anxiety. I was diagnosed over a year ago and before I was, I didn't beleive the cardiologist. I had all the tests you had and more and didn't beleive them...but thats the problem. Someone without anxiety would be happy as clam to have a great heart scan, but people with anxiety, aren't. We want reassurance all the time, not just once. I am like you with the dizziness, palpitations (cardiologist says mine are ectopic beats, not dangerous, and caused by my anxiety), fatigue, ect. With all these symptoms of course we wonder WTF is wrong with us! I am in CBT and have been for a little over a year and it has helped me so much. I am beginning to realize it really is "just anxiety." My biggest proof, is that I am still alive! :D

08-31-2010, 04:31 AM
most definatly anxiety i think all the symtoms there are what i have and some are different in aother people so dont panic mate there is people here who will help you learn you ways to calm your self down and generally relax

o and welcome to the forum

09-21-2010, 01:20 AM
Hey, thanks for the reply. I really appreciate it. I went to the doctors a few days ago just for a check up and some reassurance. had a few rough weeks but the last 2 has been going pretty well. Do you guys have some advice with regards to my breathlessness symptoms i am experiencing with light exertion. have a good week.