View Full Version : Horrible tension in face, can hardly cope, anyone had this?

08-23-2010, 12:54 AM
I have had really bad consuming anxiety symtoms for now a whole year that I can hardly bear anymore. I'm getting to the end of highschool and don't want to keep living like this. The tension and pain inthe face really is a terrible mind trap, it seems to keep happening no matter what. I simply can't conquer it after a whole year of fighting the symptom. Plus I forgot that that's not the only symtom I get, sometimes anxiety will just hit me with other things like bad nauseus feelings and gross tastes in my mouth. It's not that I can't stop thinking about it... It just keeps coming on even when I normally would be relaxed and gets worse as I notice it, by ten times at school, then I can't even think I'm so consumed. My life, my goals, anything I used to kind of stride for disapears. It's like when you get hurt really bad and all that's on ur mind is the pain. And that's a terrible state to be in all day at school. I can't understand it it seems like unfair and unnecessary suffering ): ): ): I mean they say out of suffering comes wisdom.. I would work without any pay, living of insects , helping kids in Africa all my life if it would mean I could be free of this..why oh why fid this ever happen . Why did my brain glitch once and. Keep tightening my face
time keeps passin, and I can't hold on, can't catch up to the present happening around me, to be myself again
so that's how I feel about this shit. Just posting to see if anyone else has had this. I think it's just a really weird and unfortunate way of anxiety manifesting itself. I've seen another post online with someone who had the SAME thing as me, I couldn't believe it.

Btw I've already saw a cognative behavioral therapist, the only good one in miles, for all of last year. He kept saying that social anxiety would go away if I exposed" myself by talking and being as social as possible. He would just blow off the tension in my face as a dental problem even though I tried to tell him it was the main thing stopping me from talking to ppl, and that I knew that it had to be anxiety related.

I've also tried Prozac and that didn't do shit, and I think medication is a but of a joke, having read about the linden method a professional anxiety specialist has studied it and believes medication hardly does anything.

08-23-2010, 01:33 AM
I get pain in my face as well at times, sort of under the eyes almost along the cheekbone usually. I believe it to have two causes, one of them is constantly clenching teeth as we do when we are stressed and the other is a sinus pain.