View Full Version : High School Student in need of advice

08-22-2010, 06:04 PM
Hey guys, I'm going into my senior year of high school and I have pretty bad stress, and don't know what to do.

I was diagnosed with acid reflux back when i was 14, and it was a hard time for me because I must have gone through almost 10 different medications before I found something that worked (Nexium). So once that problem was solved, I was fine for the most part until around the last month of my sophomore year, I had a really bad stomachache in class one day and I guess that feeling kind of stuck in my mind and I would start to get that feeling in every class. Basically, it got to the point where I couldn't even be in the class for 5 minutes without feeling the urge to vomit, which is something i absolutely HATE doing, and is kind of traumatizing for me, I'm not sure why... Because of that, I would cut class, and my grades fell quite a bit. Despite all that, I never really began to associate it with stress until summer school later on that year when it started to make sense. Junior year was manageable, I was able to get through the year without any major problems like my sophomore year. This coming year though, I decided to take some more difficult classes and with school starting tomorrow, my stressed stomach feelings are starting to come back knowing that I will have to be on top of everything to do well in those classes.

For the most part, I'm totally fine at home, and at other public places, but at school I just feel...trapped I guess, just the feeling that I'm stuck there most of the day not able to leave my seat, makes me VERY uncomfertable.

I'm on a waiting list for a therapist, and I started taking B vitamins about halfway through junior year which seemed to help a bit. But what I really need are some methods to get rid of my stress while I'm at school, in class. It's crucial for me to pay attention so that I can do well this year, and if I'm stressed out and nauseous all the time, it's going to be hell like sophomore year was.

So any help or suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.

08-22-2010, 06:34 PM
If you got through junior year you can do this. I never had an urge to vomitt, I just wanted to leave. I often got real panicky and couldn't go into a class.

I started recognizing those feelings and I do my best to compartmentalize and hide those feeling. I guess that would be hard to do if you had to puke, but it appears to be a pretty common thing from reading on here. I hope you get a therapist soon!

08-23-2010, 01:57 AM
Hey, I'm also a high school student and I'm going into junior year. I have a similar problem that has been going on since end of freshman year, on and off yet i haven't been able to eliminate it for good. I wish my symptoms would have just happened at school like yours- mine started to happen in public places and now pretty much whenever I feelslighly uncomfortable. I really share the same issue with school though- the feeling of being trapped and forced into being there for so long. Schoo starts for me in three days and now that I start to think about the reality of starting school, I'm overcome with dread. The thought of sitting in a desk just makes me feeel sick. I know that it is 10x as hard for me to cope withthe symptoms at school, so I am getting really worried that I will be out of control.

Symptoms that I get:
tension/pain in face, all sorts of weird feelings in face
extreme nausea
can't get enough air
smoldering feeling in lungs
abrupt migraines

ya I get things all over the map, they seem to come and finally go, then come back again. At school anxiety is high so those symptoms seem to just take over, and I feel trapped in a pit. It's really a bad state to be in, I hate it.
I'm not sure how to deal with it, I've researched a lot, seen many therapists and tried some meds but nothing has been permanent relief. Right now ( of course last minute scramble) I plan on reading a book about anxiety relief and taking some magnesium since I heard that helps.
I wish you luck in relieving your anxiety and that you will enjoy senior year. (:
