View Full Version : What a difference you make!

08-22-2010, 04:55 AM
Hi everyone!

We all know what a huge positive exercise have on depression and anxiety.

As a personal trainer I deliver a completely free(donations are always welcome but not important) service to you!

I can give you a free meal plan to suit your individual needs and work out a gym programme for you which normally costs about $50 an hour.

Whether you want to build muscle or shape your body or just a better general health feeling,I'm here for you.

A healthy body equals a healthy mind.When one suffers from anxiety or depression I know it can be hard to ever leave your house but it is important to make that first step.

Don't become or let it make you a prisoner in your own world.

Get out there and start moving.

I'm here to help!

Please visit my blog and let us together get you mentally and physically fit!

Kind Regards,

08-22-2010, 04:45 PM
i would like to become more healthy and certainly eat more healthy, im not fat in the slightest infact some would say under weight, i can eat alot when i want to but if im down i dont touch food sometimes for days, but when i eat its hardly healthy food at al-im away in spain working the summer so its hard to eat things that arnt crap! i dont like alot of healthy food either like veg im not a fan of and can only really tolertate carrots, fruit i only seem to like apples but not the skin and strwberrys but al these arnt cheap to buy, salad aswel im really fussy on i dont like tomatoes, lettuce ect and its actually cheaper to have a burger king or some crisps rather than a chicken salad or fruit....so for me to become more healthy would look like abit of a chalange and pretty much impossible as i dont like alot of things but i would like to learn as i know it has a big effect on our mental states

08-23-2010, 03:18 PM
i would like to become more healthy and certainly eat more healthy, im not fat in the slightest infact some would say under weight, i can eat alot when i want to but if im down i dont touch food sometimes for days, but when i eat its hardly healthy food at al-im away in spain working the summer so its hard to eat things that arnt crap! i dont like alot of healthy food either like veg im not a fan of and can only really tolertate carrots, fruit i only seem to like apples but not the skin and strwberrys but al these arnt cheap to buy, salad aswel im really fussy on i dont like tomatoes, lettuce ect and its actually cheaper to have a burger king or some crisps rather than a chicken salad or fruit....so for me to become more healthy would look like abit of a chalange and pretty much impossible as i dont like alot of things but i would like to learn as i know it has a big effect on our mental states

I agree that the eating part of it is the HARD part. Exercise, in comparison, is actually highly enjoyable. I mean, you can always find something you like. But healthy eating? THAT'S HARD!!! Actually, I find that I can eat most fruits and many veggies. But only in simple, uncooked form. If you try to mix a bunch together and make some sort of prepared dish, YUCK!!!! Sometimes even the smell is enough to knock me to the floor. And the thought of having to actually EAT it is unbearable. Talk about fear! I would rather go to the dentist to have a root canal ANY day. And I REALLY, REALLY mean this, as I actually had a root canal a few days ago. And it wasn't THAT bad. Not NEARLY as bad as, say, the thought that I would have to eat fish.

I also agree that price is a major obstacle to eating healthy food. Where I live (California), produce is OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive. The funny thing is, we grow it here and ship it all around the country. But it is actually CHEAPER to buy California produce on the East Coast! I would like to know what GENIUS decided that paying for fuel to ship fruit 3000 miles actually makes it cheaper.