View Full Version : Melatonin

08-21-2010, 07:34 AM
Anyone else here take melatonin for their attacks

Starting this morning,when mine are the worst I took a small piece of a 3mg melatonin to solve before it starts.

I haven't found any REAL serious side effects,its either these or meds that have 10,000 side effects lol

08-21-2010, 10:26 AM
I'm not sure how much melatonin will help your anxiety in the morning... it's normally used as a sleeping aid. It would probably just making you feel sleepy, as melatonin is what makes us feel sleepy at night - our body produces it. It's a supplement to help sleep.
Hope this helps, but hey if it works for you why not right.

08-27-2010, 09:47 PM
I have to agree with lawandorder. I sometimes take melatonin to help me sleep when I'm anxious, but so far I haven't found it to actually help against the anxiety, except maybe for that it makes me so tired I just don't have the energy to keep up the anxious thoughts as much as usual. But I do find them to work great for the sleeping, even though I'm really tired when I wake up. Have you considered trying valeriana pills? It's a natural herb that is also commonly used against insomnia, but it can also help take the edge off the anxiety sometimes. Plus, the side effects are virtually non-existent, from what I understand.

08-29-2010, 10:56 PM
A friend of mine kept telling me to take it to help with sleepless nights. I figured before I took anything, I'd ask a doctor. My doc said since it's a natural occurring substance in the body, there's a slight chance that taking it too often may cause the body to possibly produce less or altogether stop. While reversing the effects is as simple as not taking it anymore, I figured not taking it very often was the best route to take.

In any event, it does calm me down a little bit. Sometimes it's hard to tell just how much it does depending on how out of control my anxiety is, but a little help is better than none at all.

09-02-2010, 04:59 PM

Hey guys yea I started taking melatonin when our daughter passed away I ran right out and got some and took SEVERAL ...Its rough having to bury a 3 1/2 month old baby. They worked on me I made it through the funeral and burial without being too "crazy" acting...because I knew it was either that or I may "jump in the grave with her" or 'be shortly behind".