View Full Version : Hi, I'm new here...

08-20-2010, 02:21 PM
Hey everybody! Where to start?! I've always been an anxious person but it started getting more serious about a year ago. I feel scared and anxious alot of the time. Some days/ hours i feel fine but then i start to panic about certain situations. I feel trapped at work as i don't want to take time off sick, instead i sit at my desk trying not to freak out... hoping nobody will notice. I have a fear of getting ill, especially in a public place. As i'm stressing so much i do start to get physical symptoms... at least i think i do... it could just be my mind playing tricks on me! I avoid going too far from home as i worry about being stuck somewhere and having a panic attack, especially if i'm on my own. I'm scared of having a heart attack or something and i'm only 25yrs old!

I eventually went to the doctor about 2 months ago as i realised how bad it was getting. I'm on beta blockers which made me feel really ill, initially, but the side effects have calmed down now. They do help control my heart rate but i still have the anxiety. I just can't get those thoughts out of my head! I need help and don't know what to do for the best. I don't really want to take medication. I just want the irrational fear to stop!! I don't feel like i have a lot of support from friends or family, they either don't understand or are too busy to show any interest in my problems. I'm scared of feeling this way forever... please help?! x

08-20-2010, 03:13 PM
go to a doctor and get referred for some cbt as this will help with your fear.
if you want to know more about cbt and meditation, there are some previous posts that give recommendations.

08-20-2010, 03:24 PM
I'm going back to the doctor next week so i'm going to ask about CBT. I'll check out the meditation recommendations etc too.

Thanks for your advice!

08-21-2010, 11:59 AM
Your not alone...I'm scared of feeling this way forever too, and I also am going to try my best to deal with this without meds....So I hear ya...I'm going to continue to try new things that help...And everytime I find something that works I'll share with you and everybody else. :)

08-21-2010, 07:19 PM
Hey everybody! Where to start?! I've always been an anxious person but it started getting more serious about a year ago. I feel scared and anxious alot of the time. Some days/ hours i feel fine but then i start to panic about certain situations. I feel trapped at work as i don't want to take time off sick, instead i sit at my desk trying not to freak out... hoping nobody will notice. I have a fear of getting ill, especially in a public place. As i'm stressing so much i do start to get physical symptoms... at least i think i do... it could just be my mind playing tricks on me! I avoid going too far from home as i worry about being stuck somewhere and having a panic attack, especially if i'm on my own. I'm scared of having a heart attack or something and i'm only 25yrs old!

I eventually went to the doctor about 2 months ago as i realised how bad it was getting. I'm on beta blockers which made me feel really ill, initially, but the side effects have calmed down now. They do help control my heart rate but i still have the anxiety. I just can't get those thoughts out of my head! I need help and don't know what to do for the best. I don't really want to take medication. I just want the irrational fear to stop!! I don't feel like i have a lot of support from friends or family, they either don't understand or are too busy to show any interest in my problems. I'm scared of feeling this way forever... please help?! x

the symptons you are describing there are the exact same as mine in a way and im 25 scared of having a heart attack nervous in socila sittuations see a rash on my arm think im gona die go to the hospital for the smalliest things i seek help aswell im trying myself to sort this out

08-22-2010, 02:20 PM
Well Amelia you aren't alone, I've been dealing with it since I was a teenager and I promise you things can and will get better if you work on it.

Most people who don't have this problem really don't understand, I know my family doesn't get it, but that's what places like this are for.

08-24-2010, 05:36 PM
Well Amelia you aren't alone, I've been dealing with it since I was a teenager and I promise you things can and will get better if you work on it.

Most people who don't have this problem really don't understand, I know my family doesn't get it, but that's what places like this are for.

cant agree with you more there buddy ive not long been on this forum but allready reading peoples posts are giveing me an insight into how i can deal with it and so should you amilea

08-26-2010, 04:03 PM
Thanks everybody! It's good to know i'm not alone. I'm so sick of trying to explain it to people who have no idea how i feel and will probably never understand (although, for their sake that's probably a good thing!)

My meditation CD arrived so i'm going to try it out. Hopefully it will help, although i know it won't happen over night. I have found this forum really helpfull too. It makes me feel like less of a headcase!

On the bright side, i managed to get on a train and travel to Glasgow all by myself!! It was horrible and terrifying but i did it! :D It gave me a little bit of confidence back.

08-30-2010, 10:43 AM
let us know if the cd works or not amelia maybe i should look into somthing like that if it works :D

08-30-2010, 10:59 AM
hi, im just the same i worry about my heart 24/7! im constantly checking my pulse with every twinge i feel. my gp put me on beta blockers, they slowed my heart rate down but that freaked me out to and im always light headed, im just about to start my cbt. good luck i know we will get there in the end. ;)

08-30-2010, 11:27 AM
Hey guys I am 27 and experience the same stuff as all of you with the heart. I too am a very healthy person and eat good etc.

The only thing that slows me down SOME is melatonin I suggest everyone to get some.

I try to not take too much but I promise it helps slow my crazy mind down from thinking
"og my gosh am I haveing a heart attack,do I have an ulcer, is our son ok etc"