View Full Version : Spouse (soon-to-be) support?

08-20-2010, 11:39 AM
I've been posting on here for about a week about my anxiety issues.

In brief, I was diagnosed with GAD 10 years ago (at 18) and since my first major episode at that point have done quite well with it. Lately it's sprung up again, largely due to a troublesome neighbour (see previous posts) who's moving out on August 31. But I'm also getting married September 5, my soon-to-be wife is having surgery on September 14.

She's been sick with a rare (but not terminal) disease for a few years.

This last week, while I've been staying at my parents house, she's been having a hard time coping with everything. She's taking care of our dogs and cats, plus trying to take care of herself without much help from me, while I effectively hide.

Can anyone offer suggestions, support or tips that I can use or she can use in coping with this?


08-20-2010, 02:31 PM
Get her to write a plan with a list of objectives.
This will help her put things into perspective and help her organize.
Put the top priorities at the top and the lesser ones lower and get her to work through them.
If not able to achieve all objectives, then delegate, pay for services or sacrifice items on list that are acceptable to sacrifice.

I wouldn't recommend eating the dogs or cats.
Although in the short term this may reduce your list. lol...
I can assure you that in the long term it would increase your problems and cause problems for innocent people as well.

I was joking really, about killing and eating the dogs and cats...
However, joking aside. A family from where I live (Jersey, Channel Islands UK) actually did kill a large number of domestic animals ie. cats and dogs. Which resulted in every one with their family name (Louis pronounced Loo-e) being stigmatised and ridiculed because of it, even the people who had done nothing, which in turn made some of them into psycho's who now go out there way to ruin other innocent peoples lives. (I know, as I have been victimized by them as well!).
Bit of a negative chain of cause and effect in human behavior, accept, I am courageous and heroic enough to allow the bad events caused by the negative chain of cause and effect to stop with me. Just like little Baby Jesus...ahh. Or at least I think that this is what Jesus meant in his teachings that attempted to change the nature of human behavior in order to implement a damage free system without an exploitative heirachical infrastructure. The only element that I personally think that Jesus missed out was the methodology that could be used by the individual to ascertain and maintain the level of self control required in order to make the system work. I guess this is where Buddhism can be helpful, as at least the Buddhas have the methodology...

Well..erm... a bit off the subject there...but i enjoyed my journey to the twilight zone..that's the thing with forums, you cant guarantee quality...lol.