View Full Version : Is it normal?

08-19-2010, 08:28 PM
I'm still not 100% sure I have anxiety, I took a blood test and had a physical and both turned out perfectly fine.
But my symptoms never seem to go away...

I always feel my heart pounding or beating too hard
My body get's achy fast, for example if i'm sitting with my back bent for 5 minutes it starts to feel achy.

My symptoms seem to change, sometimes I feel my heart pounding or beating a little too hard, and I have nausea, and a head ache along with a little gas and a warm face like I'm blushing. And a tight throat. (these are the symptoms I feel right now)

But other times, my chest feels a little tight and my heart feels like its pounding or beating a little too hard, and that's about it. The nausea will come back but wont last for a long time like the other scenario.

But I never feel normal. It's either one set of symptoms or the other at one time. There is not really a time where I feel normal.

Is this normal? Again i'm not sure this is anxiety, which scares me because I'm only 16 and this has never happened to me before. I would also like to add that I've had this for a little over a month.

08-19-2010, 08:43 PM
these are normal systems some times my face will turn red out the blue and then i will feel sick and like im going to pass out. check all symptoms at www.anxietycentre.com (http://www.anxietycentre.com)

take care

08-20-2010, 01:39 AM
I'm still not 100% sure I have anxiety, I took a blood test and had a physical and both turned out perfectly fine.
But my symptoms never seem to go away...

I always feel my heart pounding or beating too hard
My body get's achy fast, for example if i'm sitting with my back bent for 5 minutes it starts to feel achy.

My symptoms seem to change, sometimes I feel my heart pounding or beating a little too hard, and I have nausea, and a head ache along with a little gas and a warm face like I'm blushing. And a tight throat. (these are the symptoms I feel right now)

But other times, my chest feels a little tight and my heart feels like its pounding or beating a little too hard, and that's about it. The nausea will come back but wont last for a long time like the other scenario.

But I never feel normal. It's either one set of symptoms or the other at one time. There is not really a time where I feel normal.

Is this normal? Again i'm not sure this is anxiety, which scares me because I'm only 16 and this has never happened to me before. I would also like to add that I've had this for a little over a month.

Hey ya,

Every single one is an anxiety symptom, it takes a time for it to ass even after everything is ruled out just because your body starts to take them as the normal state. Honestly, dont worry about it. It will pass in time.

Your heart will race when your fearful, its a physiological reaction. Its sped up by adrenaline which coincidently also causes nausea and a tight throat. Just relax! :D

08-20-2010, 02:08 AM
Thanks guys. This forum really helps me out. Every time I doubt my anxiety, you guys remind me that it is anxiety. And that's important.

Phoenix! I remember you from my first thread on this forum. You've helped me a lot. Thanks so much.
This anxiety stuff is crazy haha. But thanks for everything :D

08-20-2010, 06:54 AM
for sure, anxiety sucks.
Don't worry that your only 16.
Your anxiety symptoms don't sound so bad.
And you there may be loads of things that you can change that will improve your condition.

Such as:

Diet (this really is a big one here, people don't realize how much food can have an effect on their mental condition. For example, drinking 2 expresso's a day, for a couple of days would be enough to make me flip out, where as if I had not drunk the expresso's, I would likely maintain a condition where my anxiety is managable).


Relaxation Therapy

Stress Reduction Therapies
Such as Tai Chi
Body Scan Relaxation

Some supplements can sometimes help.
Supplements such as L Theanine, Holy Basil, Omega 3, Panax Ginseng, all can improve your condition. Especially L Theanine. Which is probably the best over the counter Stress reduction supplement on the market, as it works like Valium but is non addictive and non tollerance forming.

If you want to buy something to help you relax, I recommend the body scan relaxation meditation made by Jon Kabat-zinn, that is sold in his first set of Meditation CD's.

The body scan meditation lasts 45 mins and is a kind of spoken word guided meditation that can help you focus on relaxing.
I brought a cheap mp3 player (that looks like a tiny ipod) for the soul purpose of listening to this relaxation meditation cd.

Now, I can take the mp3 player anywhere and play the body scan meditation tape to myself and relax anywhere with out too much stress.

Oh, Also.
I am a fan of skins too (thats if your name implies that you are a fan of the tv series with all those tasty young woman and daft lads getting up to mad antics. It deals with some very important issues and has a lot of humor in it. At times, its very funny). :-)