View Full Version : Anxious mom of 2 - 1st time on meds

08-19-2010, 08:53 AM
Hi -

I have been struggling with pretty strong anxiety/intrusive thoughts for about the past 6 weeks. I went through this once before during my 2nd pregnancy and therapy alone was enough to help me work through it and I was feeling wonderful for over the past year. Last month I had a miscarriage and my husband is changing jobs to a much more time consuming/on call position and I think the totality of the stress set off my anxiety.

I started seeing a therapist 3 or 4 weeks ago and she has greatly helped with cognitive techniques to get away from the anxiety thoughts and calm myself down when I start to panic but it seemed like I was still spiraling into anxiety/panic mode for the majority of my days. I had a really awful week 2 weeks ago where I was literally barely functioning (I had to stay with my mom to help to take of my 2 little ones (3yr and almost 2yr). At that point I sought a referral for a psychiatrist for the 1st time in my life. I was terrified I was losing my mind and going crazy b/c I was letting my anxiety take so much control and worrying about such irrational things (i.e. that I was going to snap and go crazy)

The psychiatrist was wonderful, totally reassuring and we decided I would try medication. He prescribed 37.5mg of Effexor XR 1x daily. I have been on it for 1 week and feel like I am already progressing. I am functioning, taking care of my kids, getting housework done, cooking dinner, and sleeping again at night! I do still feel really "uncomfortable" during most of the early a.m. to the point where I can't really eat until mid afternoon; no appetite too nervouse etc. til then. By mid day I am MUCH more realxed and dinner time I am fine...by the time baths and bedtime is done for the kids by about 8pm I feel downright GREAT! Is this normal to have such a flux from a.m. to p.m.? Will this even out as I am on the medication more than 1 week?

Just looking for some positive reinforcement? I am also working on my breathing techniques and have ordered a panic attack CD rec by my therapist.


09-04-2010, 05:52 PM
welcome to the forum hun we are here to help and aswell as sufferers ourselfs im sure we can assure you you will be ok x

09-05-2010, 01:08 PM
Hi and welcome.
Sounds to me as if you have made some good decisions. Young kids are a huge responsibility and doing something to make sure you can look after them is absolutely the right thing to do. I don't know about your medication and the way in which it is affecting you but if in doubt check with the person who prescribed it. It may be that the dosage needs adjusting. First time I was on meds I needed to adjust the dosage until I got the desired effect. CBT is a great idea and will definitely help. I suffered from anxiety for fifteen years, on and off of medication but have now been anxiety free for two years. I used a self help programme.
It sounds to me that things in your life have triggered this and hopefully once things settle down again you will find yourself coping more.

Good Luck