View Full Version : Need approval to make sure what I'm feeling is normal

08-19-2010, 03:31 AM
I've read other threads that confirm this, but I need verification in my own thread for well personal reasons.

I've been taking Citalopram for the past oh 40 days now, taking it nearly around the same time, (between 10:30-11:30) each morning. I'm not sure if it's helping or not.

I still feel anxious where I feel like I'm having trouble breathing, I always tell myself that it's just anxiety, and find something else to focus on and ignore it. I don't take the Xanax with it as I've read about Respiratory depression and freaked out the first night I took 0.25mg with the citalopram.

Anyways, still need to ask doctor about that, I haven't been back to the doctor to discuss my symptoms or that, or even get a refill for next month as I haven't really been working, so I don't have money to go see them. I quit my job cause it was out of town and I couldn't handle the travel.
So I got a new job, working at home, doing what I want to do, technical support for DSL customers - I did tech support for dsl before, it was easy; anyways I get all signed up, paperwork in, we're training this week and I just feel like, I don't care if I have this job. I'd rather just sleep all day instead of do anything, but I force myself to work cause I know I need the money - dad's paying my cell phone bill which is $190 a month.

Anyways so I just feel like I don't care if I have that job, I'd rather work at a place I've worked at like Smith's or Taco Time, or that. I really just do not care. Also my sleeping schedule is weird. I sleep from 4am-7am, get up log in, get to work/training at 8AM, rather where we're just training this week, get done by 1PM, let my niece use my computer and I sleep from 2-5 or that. Wake up, stay up till 4 and do the cycle all over again.

I'm tired, I want to sleep but I can't. I hate feeling like I can't breathe and have even considered smoking again, where I quit cold turkey 2 months ago.

I guess what I'm looking for is, is any of this normal with Anxiety or depression?

I dont' really feel any happier like I thought the citalopram would make me feel; I actually get irritated really easily and lash out at everyone; I keep losing weight (20lbs in 2 months) and all I do is sleep, use computer and eat (thought I have stopped eating really unhealthy foods like candy, caffiene, etc.). All I drink is Cream Soda, where it's not caffinated.

I just don't really care what I do with my life at this moment, I mean I'd like to get back to school, work in an IT Administration field, but I don't have the strive or that to work towards it. I just want to sleep, play on my computer (programming, playing with Linux, facebook, etc.), etc.

When we go to a different city to buy groceries (we go 20 miles to a town over that has more stores like Target, WinCo, Walmart, etc) I get anxious and think how close is the closest hospital in case I panic or get stung (where I'm allergic to bees) or if I ate something I was allergic too. I worry about lots of little things, where I have trouble breathing with anxiety, I feel like some of the foods make it worse like mustard tonight, I was like omg am I allergic to mustard now (I've eaten mustard in the past week and was fine), but I dunno.

I hate anxiety, I want all of us to be cured from it, but I'm scared of losing control, suffering, dying. I don't know anymore, I don't feel like me :( I miss me I miss myself

08-19-2010, 09:38 AM
Yes, I feel like I can't breath all the time also. I focus on it, it freaks me out. I can't travel out of town because of the lack of hospitals/being in the middle of nowhere. I am in CBT and it's helping, but everydayit's like I am mourning a death thinking of the "old me" and how I got to this point and why.

08-19-2010, 11:43 AM
short of breath or breathlessness is often a symptom of anxiety.
As for the apathy, this I would imagine is a symptom of depression.

I imagine going to the doctor to talk about the problems you are facing would be of benefit as he/she will be able to raise your dose in hope to cure your negative symptoms.

However, keep in mind that the breathlessness may be a side effect of the medication, so, if a higher dose does not resolve your problems or even make them worse, then get the doctor to give you a different med.

There are also other approaches to resolve your anxiety, although most of these only work in the long term (over a number of years).

Relaxation therapy
tai chi chan
body scan relaxation meditation

analysis of diet

change what causes you stress
introduce what reduces your stress

weight loss probably down to the fact that you have stopped eating the stuff that makes you put on weight.
good luck

08-19-2010, 04:16 PM
´´I don't feel like me I miss me I miss myself´´ ......u made my eyes well up from saying that its so sad to hear and its how i feel too and im sure alot of others. i hate anxiety and living in fear and spending my life worrying all the fu"%$ing time i get annoyed at myself for it. the feeling like u cant breath feeling is normal im feeling it right now as it happens cos im freaking out over chest pains lol!! what other sypmtoms do u have?? have u tried seeing a therapist or self help books or anything like that. i wouldnt recommend being prescribed drugs- iv never been on any myself but i do know that they wont cure anxiety they just block things out but the problems wil stil always be there. iv been looking into this thing at the mo its called the lindon method and its basically training our self consious to go back to the way it is was before we were anxious, its a program that u can use on ur pc but it has to be paid for and thats the only thing at the mo thats stopping me from getting it cos i dont just wana waist money...but google it or have a look at the vid on youtube its looks good. i feel for u tho hun its horrible feeling this way,

keep smiling :) x