View Full Version : my anxiety is affecting my boxing dreams

08-18-2010, 07:24 PM
I am a boxer and I have fought one mma fight but ever since I started having anxiety and panic attacks I lost my confidence and self esteem I had them when I was around 13 and felt fine for awhile then after I graduated my anxiety started again I wrestled in high school for a little bit and then I quit because I didn't think I was good enough and that's pretty much the story with every thing I feel inferior to everyone I have thoughts of going insane or losing control I have a burning desire to compete again but I don't know what would happen if I had a panic attack going in to the second round that's not the main reason I have competed again I can't even make myself get back into the ring I feel like I can't win

08-19-2010, 01:21 AM
I am a boxer and I have fought one mma fight but ever since I started having anxiety and panic attacks I lost my confidence and self esteem I had them when I was around 13 and felt fine for awhile then after I graduated my anxiety started again I wrestled in high school for a little bit and then I quit because I didn't think I was good enough and that's pretty much the story with every thing I feel inferior to everyone I have thoughts of going insane or losing control I have a burning desire to compete again but I don't know what would happen if I had a panic attack going in to the second round that's not the main reason I have competed again I can't even make myself get back into the ring I feel like I can't win

Your self talk and mental rehearsal are all wrong, you have to work on picturing yourself winning and being successful. Until you get to that point you will always struggle. Try talking to a counsellor who can work through some strategies with you.

08-19-2010, 11:28 AM
you need to get a decent coach bro.

it all depends on why you train.

Perhaps you need to analyze your last fight and work out why you lost.
And work on building your skills up in the areas that you are the weakest (while maintaining your other skills).

I wouldn't let it get you down. Its just a game after all.
MMA is a sport dude. And even some of the worlds best fighter lose matches.
I mean, even training at club level. People get beat all the time. Tapped out, knocked out, you name it. Just like any other game.

Unless you grossly out weigh or are of a much higher skill level to all your training partners, then if you train on a regular basis, the fact is, you will lose many times. But this is part of the learning process. Everything is about refinement.

What really matters after a fight is that you are not permanently damaged and that you are able to walk home when you finished.

What is also true, is, if you give up and stop training just because of one small loss then you will never get good as you will never gain the knowledge, experience or skills of a good fighter.

Most of the best Martial Art Experts in the world have at least 1 thing in common.
And this is that they perservere

Interestingly enough, people who have success in most other areas in life also have this in common.


As for fear of the ring, Check out "Fear, friend of exceptional people" by Geoff Thompson. This will help you with that. Other wise. I imagine exposure therapy will be useful and good preparation.

08-19-2010, 07:03 PM
No I won my last fight that's why I can't understand what's why my anxieties are affecting my confidence I won by tko in the first round like a minute thirty in

08-24-2010, 12:29 AM
It's funny that you bring this up because i have a similar experience...although i'm not a fighter i definitely know where you are coming from when you say you lose self esteem. My anxiety seems to come out of nowhere, i'll be fine one minute and then the next i can be having those overwhelming thoughts. I'm currently up for a promotion at work and now all these "what-if" thoughts of self-doubt are coming in. I start to lose confidence in myself. I immediately think that there are people better than me out there. I feel lost, confused, vulnerable, and definitely scared. I think what we need is a way to cope with these feelings and unwanted thoughts. I've seen 2 counselors since my anxiety began and they have helped but i think its time that i go back. It sucks to have to deal with this but we have to fight for the things we truly want in life and at times i feel its harder for us because we have a tendency to over analyze everything. Just know that you are not alone when it comes to that thinking. I hope that is of some comfort. And i definitely recommend a counselor since they are trained professionals in this area and can def help with coping techniques. If you need to talk more about this, i'll be happy to share my personal experiences. :)