View Full Version : Why people Bully

08-18-2010, 09:13 AM
People bully for a number of reasons.
People who suffer from anxiety disorders are often the targets of bullies due to their vulnerability as it is easy to pick on someone who is ill and is unable to fight back.
Bullies often attack in numbers and often use covert tactics to hide their underhanded actions.
This is generally because most bullies are cowards and need to attack in numbers for security.
They also generally rely on restricted environments that protect them from retaliation.

Different to popular belief, bullying often does not involve violence, but involves psychological bullying and manipulation of societies law system and services.

Slander is a form of bullying. (slander can give people justification to treat people bad).

The reasons why people bully can be numerous, however, in my experience,
(as the victim) people bully for the following reasons:

For sadistic entertainment. (lack of purpose and spiritual direction in life).

To distort the onlookers perception when a crime has been committed (example, a mans wife gets caught cheating, so to distract the onlookers attention to her guilt, she frames her innocent husband for mental and violent abuse).

To exploit an individual or circumstance. (to steal something from another individual (sweets, car, job, wife etc.) or to gain an upper hand in the work place).

Some also bully in order to ruin an individuals life who is happy or getting on in life. This is often due to Jealousy and due to low self esteem. (i.e. low self esteem mindset typical thought processes: they think there better than me, with that flash job, and splashing all that money out on everyone etc. People like them more than me, so I will ruin there life and no one will like them). This also gives an individual the false sense of power and control over their victims.

Some people bully because they are stressed or their life sucks.
Although people who are stressed often regret their actions so they are different in nature to the pure sadistic bully.

08-18-2010, 09:23 AM
Note. If many of the bully types actually got their head down and focused on developing an interest in a positive activity in life, then they would likely be more happy in life and would no longer need to pick on other people.

Although, understandably, getting good an something like music, art, business, martial arts, sports etc is not an easy affair and takes a whole lot more guts to pull off than the instant hit that people can get out of being nasty to some one for a biggotted reason.
i.e. picking on someone because of the way they look, their race, their nationality, their health, their interests and their mental health condition.

In essence
Anyone can be a bigot and be nasty as it is as easy as opening your mouth.

Not everyone has the grit to develop skill, knowledge, experience and even talent in an activity. As it takes effort and dedication!

I guess it is this factor that separates the men from the boys!

08-18-2010, 01:46 PM
i hate bullies. I was never really bullied but i witnessed a lot of people being bullied. Im not a tough person but i would always call the person out and tell them to stop. I do not get why people feel the need to lower someones self esteem unless the person getting bullied actually did something to deserve getting bullied

08-18-2010, 04:21 PM
Forgotten in the list of reasons for bullying is probably one of the most important reasons: gaining the respect of others, as well as power. Say what you want about bullying. But the sad fact is that ALOT of people out there actually have respect for people who bully.

08-18-2010, 10:13 PM

I would have said that bulles are just insurcure people how would rather bring people down to their level than face the fact that they are the ones with the problem .

I think the quick way to handle them is to agree with them . you dont have to believe it but it will throw them off .

It like when your better half has the shits with you give them a kiss and cuddle.