View Full Version : Vomiting to relieve anxiety

08-17-2010, 10:28 PM
I've been diagnosed over the anxiety over past few years with, my diagnoses have been all over but my psychiatrist has been treating me for depression as well as general and social anxiety,even though treatment through medication has been ineffective. I really hate to leave my house but since I have no money I needed a job. Now I have a job that involves me speaking to customers and being in a staff of close to 50 people. I absolutely hate meeting new people and a few people at work strike me as if they hate me and just want to make my life a living hell. Anyway, any time I come home from work and I've had a particularly unnerving day, I feel like it would just feel great to vomit. No particular reason really, I'm not worried about my weight or anything, I could really care less. I find that during and after vomiting I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, I have this tension in my stomach all day and vomiting or dry heaving just makes it feel better. I know it's probably not the best thing to do but it's the only thing that makes me feel better, even better than medications have made me feel. Is there a name for this or am I the only one that does this? What makes me want to do this, it feels like an urge or a craving to do it, just like wanting a cigarette. Is it just a bad habit I've gotten in to or what? Anything relevant to the topic I'd love to hear

08-18-2010, 06:58 AM
Hard to say, as I think that even highly qualified and experienced psychologists and psychiatrists would have a hard time getting to the roots causes to your behaviour difficulties here.
If you are vomitting after binge eating then it is likely that you may suffer from Bulimia.

Although, if you are vomitting in order to get attention from people, then the cause could be part of numerous personality disorders.
Perhaps meditations on love may be of benefit to you.
Meditations on cultivating loving kindness may help you recieve and give love. May help you connect with the right people.

Now, I can understand not wanting to have much contact with people who are sadistic or nasty or simply trivial in nature. This isn't a disorder, I know, as I personally do not like to be around people who have no real interests in life as i generally find their company trivial and boring if not offensive.

However I find the company of people who have similar interests to myself and who are of a similar altruistic nature very stimulating, although, I do not like to spend too much of my time in other peoples company as I am a musician who has objectives to realize, and the only way to make progress in life in such activities is to spend your time emmursed in them.

So spending all my time hanging out talking small talk with people who have no real interests in life is Hell to me. Especially if they are spending most of there time bullying people or being nasty for entertainment. To me, this simply shows that they have a very poorly developed spiritual aspect to their personality and are acting in a way that is no better than most animals.

Being around people of such low spiritual nature is very frustrating for someone who has managed to elevate their consciousness or who have been born with such a nature, as all you will see is the damage that these sadistic animalistic peoples activities cause.

Do not worry though, as no man (or woman nicole) is free from the consequences of their actions as no one has complete control over their their destiny especially if they spend their time doing bad things
As eventually someone or something will catch up with them.
I mean, we all grew old and we all will eventually die.
I know of one particular man who is by nature very animalistic and I believe he thinks that he can get away with all the malicious damage he causes people, although, he is only in his early 20's and is already bald and becoming obese and his wife, who is particularly sadistic, is losing her looks by the day. So, will end up crashing when they realize that they are not as they see themselves.

Personally, I do not suffer from a personality disorder becuase my preferences are different from the general majority in consumer culture.
I simply have different values in life.

I would advise you to hook up with people who you are on the same wave length as, as their company will for sure be more rewarding.
As for the other people, try not and waste your time.

If you think that your social phobia is more deep rooted, then perhaps you need to have some in depth counciling.
If so, I wish you luck.

08-18-2010, 01:43 PM
i kinda can relate to you but only when i am really really nervous. When i am really nervous and upset i get nauseous but can control my vomit but i dont hold it back because i do feel better when i throw up when im upset. I understand how it makes you feel better and i also do not have a problem with my weight or anything. I actually gained 12 pounds this month strangely.