08-17-2010, 08:13 AM
I just posted about waking up every night at 3:00 am. When I lay there going nuts and waiting for 6:00 to get up I get the most bizarre thoughts that are upsetting. And I can have dozens every night.

So here is the most bizarre last night: I was thinking about all the Iraq soldiers coming home with anxiety, PTSD and wounded. Then I had a vision of one with both legs amputated....then I thought about his (or my) legs being amputated and in THE GARBAGE somewhere and I freaked out. LEGS IN THE GARBAGE...oh my god !!

It this an example of an anxiety thought or an intrusive thought. Painful and weird.


08-17-2010, 12:47 PM
i think that you just have a good imagination.
Nothing wrong with that.
That's if your post isn't a wind up.
Think that you could benefit from some type of exercise, to make you more sleepy.
It is that, or you have to discover the cause of your insomnia.
Perhaps you have something in your diet that is keeping you awake, or perhaps you are sleeping in the day.
Also, if your thoughts make you get anxious, perhaps you need to seek a Counselor or some type of psycho therapist who can talk through your problems with or can teach you some cognitive behavior therapy that will give you a method of redirecting your thoughts.
good luck.

08-17-2010, 03:36 PM
i think weird and strange things al the time, its normal i think...i hope :unsure:


08-17-2010, 08:12 PM
I have those thoughts all the time only about myself. Normal, I'm sure.

08-18-2010, 09:32 PM
again James

They are just a thought .

A anxious mind will have plenty of them and you just have to let them past though without reacting to them .

You need to just say Oh thats a weird thing to thing about and move on .

What did you watch before hand , did you see something about the war some time before hand .

Thoughts have no power untill you give them it .

cheers kev

08-19-2010, 01:14 AM
Its just a weird thought that just pops into your head from time to time, happens to everyone really. Just dont focus on it or give it any attention and it will go like it never happened!