View Full Version : 3:00 AM WAKE UP EVERY NIGHT

08-17-2010, 07:45 AM
Every night without fail I wake up between 2:00 and 3:00 am and the anxiety symptoms start to build. From the start they are so severe I can not get back to sleep. Then over the next 3 or 4 hours they greatly increase so by morning I am ready to run screaming down the street. Then the daily battle begins......

Does anyone else have these 3:00 am wakings. It does not matter what time I go to bed it is always the same wake-up time.


08-18-2010, 09:20 PM
howdy james

Stop giving your anxiety the power .

I wake 95% of the time at 430 . I have been like this for most of my anxiety , sometimes it is better and i sleep a little longer but not very often . And this is no matter what time i go to bed . Most nights between 11-12

You are letting it get to you . If you wake try to sleep if you cant then get up and do something and have a nap during the day .

I beleive that this has to do with the chemicals being released that prepair us for waking which happen a few hours before we wake . I am guessing as with many things with anxiety this one is also out of whack

cheers kev

08-19-2010, 07:44 PM
I wake up at that exact same time. Anxiety gets very bad then because everyone is asleep and mind has time to race. It sucks.

08-19-2010, 11:08 PM
Yeah when my anxiety was real bad i used to wake up at 3am with a strike of panic. had to reassure myself back to sleep, took about 15 mins but ouch that was a rough time.
recently i have been waking up at 5am, last 4 nights in a row for no apparent reason. but i dont have anxiety, i just go straight back to sleep.