View Full Version : Propranolol

08-17-2010, 04:39 AM
Hey guys and girls

As of yesterday im on my first anxiety meds, they gave me Propranolol which is what i asked for as most of my symptoms are physical effects.

I was wondering if anyone else has been on propranolol, what effects you had?
And if its ok to drink a little bit whilst on the medication, the booklette that comes with it says 'should avoid' but it doesnt sound to set in stone to me so im just looking for some advice.

Nadia A
09-02-2010, 04:02 PM

I've been on Propanolol now for 4 weeks and has helped me a lot. I am not as shaky anymore and the constant chest pains are pretty much gone. I'm not sure about drinking as i'm on a high dose of anti deppressants too and it says I shouldn't drink while on them so just to be safe I'm avoiding the stuff. In fairness I never drink much anyway so dont miss it. You should ask your doc.

Hope this helps a bit. NA

09-07-2010, 04:17 AM
Thanks for taking the time to reply back Nadia, I appreciate it.

Heres my situation, i could really use some advice from the people here.

I was recently perscribed Propranolol to help with my anxiety, the doctor told me to take 40mg everyday.
The problem with this is im not anxious everyday only when there is something coming like work meetings, interviews, dates etc...

So ive been taking the pills as and when i need them, they work pretty well there is definalty a improvement but the main problem i have is the vomiting which i really need to stop.
(I say improvement but im not sure if the meds last long enough and are as strong as i need)

I dont care if i still have the mental anxiety as long as no one can see the physical stuff then thats amazing for me.

Now ive been hanging out with this girl i know for years, its getting quite serious but the fear of sayign something dumb or doign the wrong thing really effects my anxiety.
I usually cant eata nd im sick before we meet up and usually i'll have to excuse myself to vomit in the bathroom which i HATE doing.
This is really starting to get me down now.

Do you think i should do what the doctor said and take one everyday.....does Propranolo work better if you do it this way?

Or do you think i should ask for a higher dose? Im already on 40mg but if there was a 50mg or maybe if i just took one 40mg and a half?

How long does Propranolol take to kick in and how long does it last in your system?

And is it ok to drink alcohol whilst taking them?
Im not a big drinker but she likes to have social drinks so i only do it with her and i never get wasted just a couple.

If anyone could answer even a couple of these questions i would really appreciate it.

Nadia A
09-07-2010, 07:33 AM
Hi there,

I’ll do my best to answer some of your questions.

First of all what I understand is that Propanolol works within 1 hour of taking it and from my experience I am normally a lot calmer within one hour. I am on 80mg though in the morning and I am also on 100mg of Amitriptyline for my mood and Irritable Bowl Syndrome. I suffer from bad pains in my head and bowl too. As well as noises in my ears.

With regards to your vomiting I am unable to offer you any advice because I also struggle with Nausea a lot of the time including when I go certain places and even with my best friend who I have known for 20 years! It is very frustrating and depresses me a lot. I cant get to grips with the nausea and dizzy spells at all and will be going back to my doc next week as I am due to anyway. I really feel for you and though I don’t actually vomit I come close to it and really understand what it feels like.

If you feel you need stronger dose you should talk to your GP but don’t increase it on your own decision. Maybe your doc could prescribe you something else as Mine has for me?

I’m not sure about the drinking thing, but it does say on the box to avoid it. I have done a lot of research into our condition and a lot of websites say Alcohol can increase Anxiety and depression especially if you suffer from it to start with so to be sure I just avoid it altogether. It sucks but I feel rubbish enough and would rather not risk getting any more symptoms than the ones I already have. It is entirely up to you of course. Everyone is different. If I wanted to drink I would ask my doctor or even go to the pharmacist. Do you live in the UK? NHS 24 are very helpful when it comes to little queries and its not as scary as going into a pharmacist to ask them.

Are you seeing a therapist? Doing CBT?

Hope this helps, NA

PS, I have a question for you – Do you know if this is a lifelong thing we have? No-one seems to give me a straight answer!!

09-07-2010, 04:07 PM
Thank you again for the reply Nadia.

I actually live in the North East of England.

I should have said I’m usually calm and fine its only in certain situations, and I know when I’m going to be sick I’m never sick in front of people...it’s still pathetic though.

I specifically requested the Propranol and I’m now experimenting myself my taking the medication everyday like the doctor told me too. I’m hoping with a spot of luck my body will get used to the constant state of ease so I won’t get so wound up when i go to meet the girl.

I’ve told her about my condition, she has avoidant personality disorder or at least was diagnosed with it in school so she’s fine with it.
I just want to be able to drink to have something social to do with her...I think it tastes like **** but I’d do it for her.

Sadly I got so nervous about saying the wrong thing around her it triggers my anxiety and the nausea.

Yes I did read the sheet that comes with the meds, it says to avoid but that doesn’t seem very set in stone to me.

I’ve been posting questions about this medication on yahoo answers and reading replies on various other anxiety forums and there seems to be a lot of people drinking on these pills.

I’m not even a big drinker anyway I only drink with her and it’s only ever a few little bottles of larger.

I’m only actually on the Propranolol, I don’t suffer from depression and apart from that I think I’m ok....at least I hope so.

I’m not visiting a therapist or doing CBT...these just don’t seem like the direction i want to take at the moment.

I just want to get rid or at least hide the physical symptoms as I can hide the mental anxiety from people.

As for your question I’ve never asked if its lifelong, I know a LOT of people say Propranolol has helped them greatly since they started taking it and there life is much better because of it...For now that’s enough light at the end of the tunnel for me.

Nadia A
09-07-2010, 04:55 PM
Don't mention it! I dont know if my reply helped much but anyway, I'm glad you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I know what you mean about always worrying about what people are thinking of you, I've done it all my life and it is now becoming a problem, I cant' even function near many people, I just fall apart, especially work. Ive been signed of work for 4 months now and still the thought of going back terrifies me. I cant hide any of it unfortunately, iv been told I constantly look terrified. Anyway, better not start babbling on.

You take care of yourself, Kind regards, NA

09-08-2010, 03:59 AM
Can i ask do you get the cold hands and feet from Propranolol?

Its only made me drowsey once and on two occasions has actually made me shiver with cold.

Do you get any side effects from the 80mg?

is there no other size between 40mg and 80mg?

Ive only ever self diagnosed once and it turned out fine...i was at a music festival at the time.

I took my first dose at 11am then another at about 9pm the 2nd was only a half and it seemed to work ok.

The problem im having with these meds is getting the timing right so they are at full effect when i need them, and knowing how long they will be in my system at full effect.

the booklette that came with them is vague at best.

Nadia A
09-08-2010, 01:28 PM
I did get cold hands and feet first of all but not really anymore, I tend to feel the cold a lot anyway so wasn’t sure if that was just me or not!
I get hot and cold sweats too but I’m told that’s an anxiety symptom.

Ive not had any side effects from the 80mg so far and been on them over a month now. I don’t think there is a dose inbetween no. It normally says on the leaflet and its doesn’t on mine so I guess not.

Hope this helps