View Full Version : anyone tried the Lindon Method? watch the link included

08-16-2010, 08:18 PM
i do alot of web searchin about my anxiety problems, i know that it has to do with our subcontious minds and re programming it back to the way it was ect, just came accross this on you tube and im just wondering if anyone else has tried it before and had any luck....im willing to give anything a go but this Lindon Method has to be paid for...not sure how much, it may be me being negative as i tend to be quite good at that but if there is something so affective that can help many of us suffers out there then why would you want to charge people....id want to help others for free!

check it out anyways and let me know what u think....its a 20min vid but very interesting


lots of love x x

08-16-2010, 08:36 PM
but if there is something so affective that can help many of us suffers out there then why would you want to charge people....id want to help others for free!

You make a good point but this is anxiety talking . Everybody has to make a living and if you are helping people and making money you are doing both .

Also the small fee he charges is less than one trip to the shrink but alot more helpful .

Sorry i dont know much about this programe it is one i didnt buy

Search anxietycenter and read . If you want to learn about anxiety and how it works and can be stopped then join. Yes there is a fee but $8 for one month . Surley your health is worth the risk of few cups of coffee. You have nothing to loss but a bit of money . And remember you did write .
im willing to give anything a go

cheers kev :D

08-17-2010, 12:14 AM
I have the Linden Method myself. I can see that it will definately help people, but you really have to put the effort in.

It explains to you what anxiety is, has a big manual to read with exercises and relaxtion tracks etc that do help out. One exercise is known as "The Nine Pillars", which if you follow, you can reduce your anxiety a fair bit, from my point of view. So long you follow it & do one pillar per day.

It also has something called "The Panic Eliminator", which he wants you to go in to an anxiety/panic attack or the next time it happens anyway, but has you listen, and trust what he's saying, to show you how YOU control your episode and 'empower/disempowering' it by mere thought. I thought this was good, i do this technique whenever i begin to feel an episode coming on.

It has good information and help, but again, it's one of those things where you have to put the effort in to see any results. It doesn't work for a few people, but if you want to give it a try - why not?