View Full Version : I need help in becoming less uptight & being more relaxe
08-16-2010, 04:36 PM
i let myself get so wound up over things to the point where im constantly thinking negative thoughts about situations and people, just for example i live with 2friends we´r not overly close but close enough they re so messy and im sick of tidying-its al the time!! i sent a txt to one of them earlier saying we al need to help clean abit more ect and came home a few hours later and both we´r still just sat there doing nothing with the place stil in a mess and it is a mess its gross! mess bothers me but others seem to be ok with living in crap, but since the point where iv got in which was hours ago iv just been sat here stewing away going mad in my head about why they didn't do it, and writing out about 6 different txts to them to say something but haven't sent it....its driving me mad and i hate being this uptight about things, this is just an example there´re many other situations and times where iv done the same and cant seem to get whatever it is out my head but when something makes me feel stressed,annoyed,wound up and many other things i just cant seem to let it go and think its not that much of a big deal just get over it and stop stressing, i cause myself so much stress and im constantly thinking negative things and i no that's not healthy. i don't know how i can change or if i need to change but i don't want to get so bothered and wound up over stuff i just want to not care like everyone can i change this its driving me crazy and im worried im going to cause myself some health issues cos of it and i have really bad anxiety as it only 24!! this isn't how i feel 24/7 but when it does i really don't like it and i hate feeling like i may be a bad person because of it please help, what can i do?
thank u
08-22-2010, 01:26 PM
I'm the same age and I get those feelings. I will take something that happens or that someone says and worry about it for days and dwell on it and get depressed. The biggest thing is noticing that it is happening, and when I feel that way I make myself go do something. Take a walk, go shopping, anything that takes my mind off of it. I usually feel better afterwords.
Oh, and your not the first person who has freaked out over having messy room mates. That happens in everyhouse with more than 1 person living in it.
08-22-2010, 04:14 PM
the worst thing about it tho is that i think i must drive people away from the way i am sometimes, what i cant stand is not knowing whether its me thats the problem or whether its not and im actually in the right but dont realise it, again for example last night at silly hours of the morning when im in bed she comes in with this guy shes been seeing and makes no effort to whisper or even talk quietly just sat in the loinge laughing and chattin away, the next thing it get s louder and louder so i open my door to say something and they were both stood pretty much right outside my bloody room!!! see to me this is just rude and disrespectful she wasnt even drunk or anything so really had no excuse for it,i got a little angry with them and was like seriously what the hel shut up! but since that point which was late last night its been in my head winding me up over and over again, i keep thinking of things to say or even if i should say anything cos then they´l get more annoyed with me and probably wont spk to me and i dont want that cos i have to live here. but why cant i just let things go instead of stewing over it for days and days and its only me thats hurting from it, i just wouldnt do something like that and have more respect but i dont no if its just me being uptight or not, its one thing after another with the guys a live with tho and im really really starting to get down about it, i dont now how to approach them iv tried being nice but nothing works
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