View Full Version : paranoia, anxiety then depression from smoking weed.

08-16-2010, 03:28 AM
im not going to blame all my paranoia, and anxiety and depression from smoking weed, but i do think it makes it worse.

i had been smoking all my teenage hood, on again off again, but over the last year and a half i had been smoking heavily, 5-10 joints a day just to feel normal, i guess i had to crash someday. i was unemployed at the time, i went through countless jobs just trying to get hired, i was being rediculed as being useless by everyone around me but that was not the case, i just couldnt catch a break. i was smoking weed all day everyday, i stayed high for about 5 months having the odd day off. my paranoia and anxiety just got worse as i went to a celebration to help legalise mary jane. i was so paranoid at that point, paranoid that my friends were after me, paranoid that there was cameras in the trees, paranoid that there was undercover cops everywhere. i had a break down

i remember riding in the car back from the road trip thinking, why am i so out of my head, lyrics in songs started to be more real to me, i thought that everything everyone was saying was related to my insecurites in my life. we smoked half an ounce that weekend, about 35 40 joints between 5 of us. i started to think very bad thoughts, i quit my band the thing that filled my days, i turned on my mates, the anxiety i had with them was too much to stick with them.

after i quit my band i went into a severe depression, for atleast 6 weeks, i thought how the hell am i going to get through this, i had to reach out. i attended a 50th birthday and i couldnt handle being around these people, i couldnt stop shaking i had to ring up my best mate and tell him to get me out of here. the next morning i lost alot of sleep, i woke up very early and i couldnt get back to sleep because there was so many thoughts flying through my head, i had to talk to someone so at about 7 am i texted my sister and told her what i was thinking, i picked up the phone and broke into tears, i had a long talk to her, i talked to her about how my mother died, how the band was my world, how i didnt know why i was feeling this bad about how my decision of leaving the band would effect all the people around me. i convinced myself i lost my reputation, i became a bitch. i woke up scared.

i let my guitarist know how i felt, we had 3 joints that afternoon and i started having panic attacks. i blacked out, hit the concrete and coiled over and cut up my arms, it really scared me from that point, i didnt know what just happened. i was soo out of my head, so out of my personality, paranoia anxiety and depression disabled me.

this went on for about another 4 weeks because i bottled up my feelings inside until i could talk to my dad about how i felt, i had to reach out to my family in my time of need and shed alot of tears in the process. i finally told my dad that i thought i had lost all my friends, i thought my reputation was shot, i thought it was the end of the world ultimately, until he told me one thing that gave me a light at the end of the tunnel. he told me that i shouldnt worry about what people think about me, he told me that i was the only one that was going to change the way i felt, he told me that just because this one person thought this it doesnt mean the next person thinks the same. it really changed the way i thought, i started to get my confidence back, i started to be able to look at myself in the mirror again without seeing such a bad person in the reflection. it really helped me, i felt like i could work on these things, face my problems because i knew it wasnt going to be easy. i formed a new band but i was still feeling guilty because i knew that i was the one to blame.

i never regreted leaving my first band because if i didnt i wouldnt of gone through this ordeal and i couldnt of learnt from it about life. i would say im through the depression but im definately feeling better about myself, when ever im feeling down i say to myself fuck the world, im gonna do what makes me happy and what makes me happy is music.

08-16-2010, 12:57 PM
hey dude,

seems like you have found a good way to feel good about your self and live with out the need of dope.

I spent years smoking dope when I was younger, and i have to admit, that i had some really good times stoned out of my head.

However, I have to admit, over the years, I have also had more than my fair share of freak outs when smoking pot.

Think i fully realized how nuts I was getting was during a trip in Amsterdam, while copious amounts of pure super northern lights and super skunk skunk,
i started hearing things (not voices) but really trippy noises and got pretty paranoid about the people around me.

And even when I returned from Amsterdam and had stop smoking dope, even though I had stopped tripping out and hearing things, I was still pretty paranoid and spaced out and this lasted for months.
It was like something had triggered in me which had caused me to go a bit psychotic.

At this point, knew that the dope had really messed with me marbles man.

So I stopped and after a few months, my mental health returned to normal.

And over the years, I have on occasion smoked a spliff every now and then, however, in my experience, smoking even one spliff can put me straight back on a emotional roller coaster.

But I guess this shouldn't be that much of a surprise, when considering that dope is a mind altering substance that by nature induces delusional states for personal entertainment.

Is it a surprise that over consumption of such a substance induces a long term delusional state?

Never mind.
Anyway, I think you should concentrate on music and sack off the dope mate.
You will likely be more productive that way too.

If you want to feel a bit more relaxed some times, you can always take L-Theanine.

08-22-2010, 02:43 PM
Some people just can't handle weed. If it makes you feel bad don't do it! It doesn't make everyone freak out, most people just get hungry, sleeppy, and laugh at stuff that isn't funny.

08-22-2010, 11:29 PM
once you do it as much as i did its like any drug, your gonna fall eventually, because your constantly high and you forget how to feel soba so your either coming down of it or on a high. your thort patterns arent the same when your soba as when your high so dont give me this shit about people not getting freak outs because it has happened to every1 i know.

09-01-2010, 03:50 AM
I no longer smoke weed. But I'm scared to death of getting ripped. Its a guarantee for me that I will have a panic attack. But on the other hand 1-2 hits can really help me relax anxiety-free.

09-01-2010, 01:13 PM
it all depends whats going on in your mind prior to smoking it, if you have worrys in your life with work or people or whatever i found that smoking will only make you stress out even more but if you have no worries and your relaxed its the best thing in the world. im my opinion anyways