View Full Version : Did Clonazepam or Alprazolam take time before it helped you?

08-15-2010, 01:33 PM
Just wondering as i never gave either of these a chance for more than 4-5 days. Everywhere i have read has said they are pretty much immediate relief drugs. But i have found they do not help my anxiety, actually today is the first time i took one in a couple months and i feel more anxious now. Just wondering if anyone was in the same boat and stuck it out for like 2-3 weeks or so and then it kicked in all of a sudden and started working for them.


08-15-2010, 07:43 PM
Clon and alprazolam should work within 30 minutes really. Clon might take a little longer coz it's like a slow release alprazolam.
Just so you know you'll see zero benefits if you take it long term. The drug is supposed to be an immediate relief, and if it's not working, then i suggest stop taking it altogether instead of taking it for 3 weeks straight (by which, you would probably have withdrawal when you stop).
Either that or you're not taking a high enough dose, but again, it's not really a road you want to go down.
hope this helps take care

08-15-2010, 09:22 PM
I was paradoxical to both. Made my anxiety way worse
